Boycotting the AAMS

100 Tauren Shaman
((I see some pretty bad ooc/ic mixing happening with this thread. And it bothers me immensely. *sigh*

There are parts of the original post which would have been better expressed in an IC manner or seem to point to things being taken too personally. Two events happened. They happened to happen at the same time. People responded however they wanted and people need to figure out how to respond accordingly IC without all this OOC chatter in return. Sometimes that response can be difficult to handle considering game mechanics on a PvE server make certain things easy to avoid. Having said that, need to roll with the punches and be creative, peeps, and make it work out IC and consult with each other quietly OOC, if needed, before someone starts calling someone else a 'Nahtzi'. Vanilla folks know what I'm talking about.

HAVING SAID ALL THAT! Red's response to the AAMS Public Statement is attached to their public statement.))
Edited by Redearth on 4/5/2011 10:37 PM PDT
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100 Undead Warrior
The Maggot Lord read the missives in the comfort of the Grim Maw Clan's main tavern, ignoring the screams of the gnome being tortured near him. It would seem that things were heating up since the little incident with the She-squid from AAMS the other week. He had participated in a patrol of the Barrens, and even said "hello" to Fallenrose at one point ( he took out a piece of her liver to nibble on). However, the main attack occurred when he was otherwise preoccupied. His brow scrunched as he thought on what he would do.
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