Temporary Safety at Camp Taurajo [RP]

100 Orc Shaman
To Whom It May Concern,

It has been said that the Horde present in the Barrens, but *not* at the ruins of Camp Taurajo, "traveled the Barrens making war that night." This is far from the truth. It was the Alliance forces making war. We were doing our best to stop the attacks, to drive them out of *our* forts and settlements.

It is only through the efforts of the Horde defenders that the Alliance forces were unable to descend upon your gathering. Would you have preferred we stay away and let you be slaughtered like the original residents of Taurajo?

As to the "double standard" concerning the AAMS' so-called neutrality. Because we'd already seen that neutrality means close to nothing when it comes to *taking* lives, I'd hoped that the AAMS present would take the same stance when it came to *saving* lives.

Courier Vasilia has been allowed to continue to work for the AAMS after she has willingly broken your vow of neutrality. Why should your Horde branch cling to the same meaningless vows when it comes to helping defend and heal our forces?

Many soldiers died that night while you were perfectly content to busy yourselves with your "rebuilding," pretending that your mission was more important than anything else in the Barrens. You may have driven out a few looters, planted a few flowers, and pretended like what you were doing would actually make a difference, but you were not serving the Horde.

It's clear that the AAMS serves no one but themselves.

Good luck in Ashenvale. I will not be there.

Hopefully, you won't require the aid and protection of the Horde upon whom you've turned your backs.

Dean Oskor, Doctas School of Medicine
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85 Tauren Paladin
Oi! Pinky. Yes, I will be tearing down your "settlement" But I never once said I was layin hands on anyone with your banner. Your comprehension skills are as bad as you look.
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100 Tauren Shaman
To Jol'kayden Markos

Thank you for bringing to my attention the threat of possible action against the AAMS's project in Ashenvale. I will make sure that all members of the Ishnu Por Ah are reminded of our stance concerning war and peace and the boycott we have declared upon your organization. And any act of war upon you or the inhabitants of Ashenvale will be dealt with accordingly.

Red Earth of the Blackhide
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88 Gnome Death Knight

The Taurajo Renewal Project is done. There is very little benefit in continuing to discuss it. Whether people were happy with it or not, the town was briefly cleaned and restored, by peaceful hands, and that is all the AAMS can really claim credit for.

Whether that was a worthwhile endeavor or not is for every individual's conscience and judgment to weigh. It was done, and is done.

Stardust is next. The announcement has been made publicly, and every individual will once again have the opportunity to choose how they occupy themselves that evening. Obviously our hope is that more people will choose peaceful endeavor to battle.

Arguing with one another over the particulars will, I fear, only make everyone crosser and more set in their ways. These are my projects, led by my hand; if you genuinely have concerns about them and wish to discuss them, I am more than able to meet with anyone at their convenience. I do not think the AAMS has an exclusive hold on good ideas for peaceful progress; the more I hear from others of the Horde and the Alliance, the better I can suit our actions to shared goals.

If you dislike the resettlement efforts, and feel you have some better idea for peaceful endeavor, then tell us. I for one would welcome an outside perspective on what will bring people together. But I do not intend to let my couriers be bullied and told what they should not do by people without alternative suggestions.

-Aeldgyth Whistlespark
Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance
Edited by Aeldgyth on 4/8/2011 4:19 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

Do you truely not understand? It is, now, AAMS efforts causing further strife. You can continue to hide in your bubble, and pull out publicity stunts on graveyards. But we still remember your Eredar courier, instead of -running away- from a battle as anyone with her vows should have regardless of experience, voluntarily joined in the killing of Horde troopers and citizens. There are -witnesses- to this. Your 'rebuilding projects', given that, only seem to appear not only insulting to many who hold that patch of land sacred, but also an effort to sweep the fact that one of your people broke the most important rule that gave your reputation. Do you really want us to have a better respect for your 'efforts'? Put your money where your mouth is and eject her from your organization. The Eredar has shown that she clearly can't hold to the standards you publicly profess.

Now, I did, once, believe as you claim to. That peace could be achieved without force of arms. It became blatantly clear to me during the Outland campaigns that that could never be the case. Until one side or the other is permanently broken, their weaponry destroyed, and their people integrated into the other, this war will go on. All you do is waste effort and resources that could go to ending this conflict faster.

Have fun in Ashenvale, dear.

~Anya Caerys Shadethorn

(OOC edit: Changed a couple of things here and to something closer to what I meant to say, hopefully before anyone starts writing something in reply to it >>)
Edited by Caerys on 4/8/2011 6:37 PM PDT
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