Dang, Leep, wish I'd known you were fraps'ing it. I'd have invited you to the group that did CoC late in the day.
A group from Apples decided to flag up and jump around the bosses, trying to get us to open up on em. Unfortunately, they did succeed in getting one of our hunters flagged, and he went down like Pam Anderson backstage at a Crue concert.
Apple - 1
Zen - 0
We got him back into the fray shortly after washing off his flag, and we proceeded to rip through the rest of the encounters (for a staggeringly HUGE amount of guild experience, I might add)
We proceeded to collect our rewards, and debated breaking up afterward, but someone decided they wanted to play with the Apples, who'd by now gone on to trigger their own boss.
Next I knew, their healer was dead. Then we proceeded to take the rest out.
Apples -1
Zen - 5
Quite an entertaining break from the grind.
Thanks for playing, Apples!
It was one of many stories we could all tell about that bleary eyed, fingers hurting, back and rear hurting grind that we did.
All in all, it was an awesome achievement, and the people who participated (up to 68 members at one point, encompassing upwards of 100 different players contributing at various points) all put in a heck of a lot of effort.