Grats Zen on realm first level 25 guild!

90 Blood Elf Warrior
I like how most of the posts are from the guild gratsing the guild that they're in on the forums >.>

(That's code for, not many people care =X)

Icejob, you're my hero. (No sarcasm.)
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85 Orc Warrior
Gratz guys on server first. Helluvah achiev to get that many ppl all grinding for it.

Fellow hordies just more worried about smashing their axes/spells/faces into PvE bosses.
Hurp derp.
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100 Night Elf Druid
^_^ Thanks, guys!
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85 Night Elf Druid
Realm First SoE Guild Level 25 Achievement video link

First SoE mass rez and nerf bats video link

and a link to the screenshot
Edited by Leep on 4/6/2011 1:08 PM PDT
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94 Night Elf Priest
Lulz. Aside from the fact that somehow the first posting has "mysteriously" disappeared, I will say it again, congrats to Zen on their 25 :)
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90 Human Priest
Congratulations to all of the fine players and great folks of the mighty Zen raiding guild!

Playing alongside these fine folks makes me proud to be a member of the guild.

Thank you for the Grats and good sportsmanship from <Night Sirens> and the other guilds.

This really was an exciting experience. To see as many as 68 players online at one time, all contributing towards the feat of strength, was quite an inspiration to me. I just cannot say enough about how utterly awesome the members of this guild truly are.

We all realize that Sisters of Elune is a backwater realm, and that our achievements are generally a good ways behind the rest of WoW in the world overall… But… that does not diminish in any way, the importance to we the players of SoE, of events such as this.

Nay, not only does it not diminish, if anything it amplifies the importance of these events.

It is very difficult to organize anything of much substance on the Alliance side of SoE. We often lack the solid communication, cooperation, coordination, and cohesiveness to get stuff done. For this event though, the good folks of Zen came together like the fine community that they are, and got the job done. Well done folks, well done!

...and now… Now that we know things like this can indeed be achieved, I send a message to all of the Alliance guilds on SoE… a call to action…

Let us now take this momentous achievement and use it as inspiration, a springboard if you will… to get even bigger things accomplished.

The time is now, to bring the Horde domination on this realm to a crashing halt.

Join us now, citizens of the Alliance, join in the hostile takeover of this realm, take Azeroth back from the stinky Hordes!!! Get it Done!!!

Work together with your neighbor guilds here in the community of our realm. Being good neighbors, sharing in victories for our faction, taking the realm back from those that oppose us. Cohesion, cooperation, coordination, and communication win the day folks. Let’s make it happen in a big way, and let’s make it happen right now!

There are 3 types of players in WoW.
  • Players that Make Things Happen
    Players that Watch Things Happen
    And… Players that ask, “What just Happened”

    The choice is yours to make. If you want to be in that group that Makes Things Happen, join Zen now, or work with us from within your own guild to get things done on this realm. Do this, or just settle for watching the realm firsts scroll by as we get it done without you.

    The choice is yours.

    Thank you once again for the congratulations everyone, thank you muchly, it is appreciated.

    - Penelopae, Guild Leader, The Mighty Zen Raiding Guild (

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    100 Night Elf Druid
    Grats Zen all the way from Draka!!! I used to be on SoE and check in from time to time....Draka just had our realm first lvl 25 guild last night so it is a true feat!

    Aurhealius!~!!!!! How are ya bud!!! =) Miss you guys!!!!

    Cynde (was Cyndelora when I was on SoE)
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    85 Draenei Priest
    Grats Zen all the way from Draka!!! I used to be on SoE and check in from time to time....Draka just had our realm first lvl 25 guild last night so it is a true feat!

    Aurhealius!~!!!!! How are ya bud!!! =) Miss you guys!!!!

    Cynde (was Cyndelora when I was on SoE)

    I'm good! Still being me, doing my thing. Not like that's ever gonna change ;)
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    100 Night Elf Druid
    I'm good! Still being me, doing my thing. Not like that's ever gonna change ;)

    Which is what, bringing Zen down and utterly ruining us, right?

    Reply Quote
    100 Night Elf Druid
    You'd know if you played on the realm forums you're posting on.

    Juuuust saying. >.>;
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