Look for a pirate themed guild (A)


Title says it all... I'm currently the only member of a pirate guild and it's getting kind of lonely.

Message me in-game or post here if you know of one.
Edited by Rackham on 4/6/2011 3:55 PM PDT
85 Gnome Mage
I believe that the Flames of Lordaeron has a sister guild called the Phoenix. I'd recommend contacting someone in FoL and asking about it. It's the only pirate guild that I've been made aware of.

edit: grammurz
Edited by Nozz on 4/7/2011 8:57 AM PDT
85 Night Elf Death Knight
We had one called <El Barco De Los Muertos> but I haven't seen or heard from any of them in months. There are a few roleplayers who structure their characters around being a captain of their own ship. Maryla of <Renewal> is one that comes to mind. And as Nozz mentioned, the flames' sister guild is one. The flames' seem to run a "triad" of guilds, all of the same players on different toons. The original Flames, the Phoenix, and with Cata came the <Blackwald Run> for a Worgen pack theme. *continues rambling* And then there's...
Indeed, the Flames does have a pirate ship related guild, Best contacts for recruitment would be Imagen or Natasta in game, or our website, which is for all three alliance side guilds we run: http://lordaeron.guildzilla.com/ ^_^ looking forward to hearing more from ya, and I'll pass this on to Immy as well.
Edited by Kastygyr on 4/7/2011 11:30 PM PDT
85 Gnome Mage
04/07/2011 11:26 PMPosted by Kastygyr
Indeed, the Flames does have a pirate ship related guild, Best contacts for recruitment would be Imagen or Natasta in game, or our website, which is for all three alliance side guilds we run: http://lordaeron.guildzilla.com/ ^_^ looking forward to hearing more from ya, and I'll pass this on to Immy as well.

Yay, I remembered something right!

FoL is the oldest Alliance RP guild on SoE and good people. I'd definitely recommend checking them out.
84 Undead Hunter
Wait there is a pirate guid? I would like to join them. I always love pirates! What server and alliance right?
100 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm currently the only member of a pirate guild and it's getting kind of lonely.

This is the saddest thing I've read in a long time. I'll see if I can find you something nice to pillage...

<3 V
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Nozz?!? Holy necroed thread, Batman!
90 Blood Elf Rogue
This is the saddest thing I've read in a long time. I'll see if I can find you something nice to pillage...

Rack was actually someone I recruited into my old pirate guild <Crew of the Phoenix> 2 years ago I think? It was sad XD and we took pity on him. He's not around anymore.
Edited by Nyksis on 3/7/2013 12:30 AM PST
100 Human Warrior
Theres <Piratas> on Stormrage
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