Hey guys!

85 Orc Hunter
I have a really good idea.
Let's stop complaining about lack of RP and just RP to make RP.
It's just a thought buuuut;
I think maybe if we really put our minds to it, we can accomplish it!

Let's go on wild adventures and kill each other and fire breathing dragons and stuff, huh?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I have a really good idea.
Let's stop complaining about lack of RP and just RP to make RP.
It's just a thought buuuut;
I think maybe if we really put our minds to it, we can accomplish it!

Let's go on wild adventures and kill each other and fire breathing dragons and stuff, huh?

/signed up!
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83 Blood Elf Rogue
I couldn't agree more to this. It's just sometimes those that actually -Try- to get RP going, it does get rather frustrating when people don't take any kind of attempts seriously. And with that, Positivity is always better than negativity.

One other thing that might help though~ People actually staying on SoE to better this effort. I really do think sooner or later those hundreds that swapped over to Wyrmrest will come back to SoE, because it'll just become something like what apparently SoE was. I couldn't leave here if I tried with all I had. It's my home server, so it'd be cool to see more come around. :B But hey, it will eventually, as soon as the expansion gets a bit further in. Always worked that way, don't see how it would change now.

Adventures right now plz.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I can understand the complaints at the start of Cataclysm, but that's natural. It happens with every expansion.

So, yes. Let's just dooooo iiiiiiiitttttt.. (all night long?)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I thought we already were? >_>

It's all that haste I stacked on all my casters, isn't it? I'm ahead of you all. :<

I'M SORRY! ;o;
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
I have a really good idea.
Let's stop complaining about lack of RP and just RP to make RP.
It's just a thought buuuut;
I think maybe if we really put our minds to it, we can accomplish it!

Let's go on wild adventures and kill each other and fire breathing dragons and stuff, huh?

Well all I can say is: YES LETS DO THIS!
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