5 Things That Will Make Your RP Richer

82 Human Rogue
Crossposted from http://soe4rp.wordpress.com/2011/04/15/5-things-that-will-make-your-rp-richer-more-fun-and-more-connected-to-other-players

Many people get frustrated when they come to a new server. They don’t know what faction has the most RP, where the RP hotspots are, or how the heck to get RP NAO plzkthx.

Consequently they figure, RP is dead on this server. I’ll go elsewhere.

However, that is rarely the case. If a server is marked RP in the realm list, there’s RP there. The trick is coaxing it out of its basket, snake charmer style.

Here are a few things I’ve found to be good for getting RP going on just about any server.

1. Look at other media for character inspiration

I recently got inspired about a character. She was the product of me running Scarlet Monastery with some friends, thinking, “Hey, the Dark Rangers are hawt. I want one” when we picked up a quest, and promptly searching my library of music, stories, and favorite TV shows for inspiration.

Somehow, I was led to the character of Ilyria from the TV show Angel. A fanvid had shots of her kicking butt and taking names, stopping time, looking quizzical, and other interesting tidbits, all to the beat of Disturbed’s Down With the Sickness. And then, I knew… THIS was how I wanted Slydebrandt to be.

Of course, this is just a starting point. Your character will take on life of its own, much like a living, breathing organism, when you throw him/her into the Giant Roleplay Melting Pot. But it can help when you’re trying to breathe life into a character if you’ve got some idea of how they should be. Modeling a character off a previously existing one, especially if it’s someone you like, is a great way to do it.

2. Pick an object from the world around you, and interact with it

Blizzard took the time to craft an incredibly intricate, detailed world, and with two expansions and a redoing of Azeroth after the Shattering, there’s no reason not to take advantage of it. You can interact IC with something really simple, like the morrowgrain in Un’goro. Or it could be something bigger, like the cultist ritual camps in Hyjal and Silithus.

Questing is a great way to do this. Working through the quest chains in the Cataclysm expansion? Do them in character! An NPC tells you to go pick up pieces of a broken staff? Your toon might complain, or he/she might relish the idea to help out the cause, no matter how insignificant a task it may be.

If you want to take it a step further, write out how your character feels about this. Self-conscious about writing? Just use a Word doc and keep it private until you’re comfortable sharing.

3. Just be IC, all the time

I know it’s not realistic to be in character in everything you do, from login to logout. In raids and heroics, for example, you’re probably not going to want to be taking the time to calculate each and every thing your character might say or do when five naga are eating your healer, your tank’s lying dead on the floor, and you’re spamming fear desperately and shouting profanities over Vent.

But when you’re just walking around Orgrimmar, or taking a trip to the mailbox to pick up mats from the mailbox, take a minute to breathe. Maybe your character is really angry about the fact that Thrall is now helping people get into Deepholm, because damn, Thrall gives good advice and gets all the chicks. And it’s kinda hard to talk to him now that he’s busy smelling his armpits over the Maelstrom.
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82 Human Rogue

4. Pay attention to the world around you

You don’t have to be an expert on the history of WoW from Sundering to Shattering, and you don’t have to keep up with any news columns, forum posts, or RP advice blogs out of game (though it does help).

But here’s the thing: the World of Warcraft is really not that different from Real Life. There are orphanages, churches, military institutions, party resorts, underground clubs, and regular ol’ shops. There are huge, detailed zones, many drawn from real life locations, or at least similar enough to make you go “hmm.” (Come on, doesn’t Silithus look a little bit like the Sonoran desert?) Think about how you might react to these places, and then think about how your character would react… and how different that might be from your own reaction, as a player.

5. Take an interest in your RP community

The easiest way to get involved right now is to read other peoples’ stories. Look at what they’re involved in. Find ways your character could draw connections to certain plots. Take an interest.

In fact, think of other peoples’ characters the way you think of your own. They, too, love their toons and want to see them grow and flourish. Care about their characters. Ask questions IC (and yes, your character should at least be curious about SOME things).

Read other peoples’ bios. Better yet, check out some IC journals and blogs. Most people will be all too happy to talk about their characters with you, so sending someone a tell with “I really like that story you posted!” can be a great way to break the ice.

In the end, RP should be treated like a baby. Feed it, love it, burp it, and make sure its diaper is clean. Wait, that analogy didn’t work out like I meant for it to.
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04/14/2011 11:40 PMPosted by Cathall
But here’s the thing: the World of Warcraft is really not that different from Real Life. There are orphanages, churches, military institutions, party resorts, underground clubs, and regular ol’ shops.

This is very true, particularly with character to character interaction ("Oh, you are a reanimated, rotting corpse - I love you, man!"). On the alliance side, I am not sure how a human would embrace a werewolf cozying up next to him for a drink. A lot of cues for initial interaction are already built in.

04/14/2011 11:40 PMPosted by Cathall
In fact, think of other peoples’ characters the way you think of your own. They, too, love their toons and want to see them grow and flourish. Care about their characters. Ask questions IC (and yes, your character should at least be curious about SOME things).

Again, the "WoW as real life" suggestion can easily come into play here: an orc strolling through Silvermoon City? Ask what they are doing in the city. Somebody emoting reading, writing or playing with their pet? Ask about that.

04/14/2011 11:40 PMPosted by Cathall
In the end, RP should be treated like a baby. Feed it, love it, burp it, and make sure its diaper is clean. Wait, that analogy didn’t work out like I meant for it to.

I see the first three. But if I ever get into "diaper-cleaning mode" with my character, it just may be time to reroll.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Cathall added a very interesting comment to his article on soe4rp.wp.com. It was about listening to NPC chatter and building from that :)

I'm totally sitting in the phased Gilneas and just jotting down what NPCs say.
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85 Night Elf Mage
04/15/2011 09:06 AMPosted by Kalico
I'm totally sitting in the phased Gilneas and just jotting down what NPCs say.

I used to make notes on NPC chatter, then I realized that a lot of the 'popular' NPCs have pages on wowpedia.org that show some/all of their quotes. Zen'kiki (<3) is a prime example of that.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I've been jotting down the character names just for that Sari x3

But questing and just stopping to see the impact the world is having upon these characters brings a whole new perspective that wowpedia won't be able to fully explain.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Long live Rin'ji.

He and his cries of "HELP! Rin'ji is being attacked!" as he ran forward, plowing face-first into oncoming elves at the Quel'Danil Lodge in the Hinterlands will be sorely missed.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Rin'ji wouldn't attack incoming high elves... he would attack the poor Quel'dorei that was standing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over there minding his/her own business.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/15/2011 11:24 AMPosted by Kalico
Rin'ji wouldn't attack incoming high elves... he would attack the poor Quel'dorei that was standing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over there minding his/her own business.

The woods were dark and quiet, just as most other nights that filled the long stretch that Elfamir had been assigned to the Quel'Danil Lodge. The ranger rolled his shoulders and winced as he leaned his weight against the tree trunk, the bark biting softly into the flesh of his palm. All seemed well...

His long ears twitched, eyes shifting towards the sound of a twig snapping. His muscles - which until moments before were fluid and relaxed - drew tight as a bowstring. Elfamir held his breath as he waited, the seconds stretching into an eternity in his mind. He stared at the dense bushes from which the sound was born, sure that his end was coming, albeit with graceful torture in its approach. When the shrubbery shook upon the exit of that which lay within, the High Elf braced as if daring it to attack him.

The pale moon cast its bright light down on the figure of the bunny as it hopped from the thicket, small nose wrinkling as if to greet the elf. Elfamir felt the burn in his muscles as he relaxed, rolling his eyes skyward.

"You're too paranoid," he chided himself, his cheeks darkening with a blush. "Perhaps a bit of time away from here migh-..."


Elfamir spun, looking about wildly. His eyes widened in horror at the sight of the moss-colored Troll lumbering towards him at high speed. The same moonlight that had kissed the tiny rabbit's fur crashed against the garish tribal robes that hung on the frantic Troll's lanky frame, the spider pattern of varying green hues standing out against the harsh white background tone of the fabric.

The Troll was coming, and there was no escape for Elfamir. He braced himself once again, waiting for the impact. In those few seconds before the Troll collided with the High Elf, only one thought passed through Elfamir's mind...

"I wonder if he realizes that women in Silvermoon City wear that same style of robe for evenings on the town?"

The question was never answered.

It wasn't until the next morning that Elfamir was found. The High Elves that were present at Quel'Danil Lodge during The Day the Elf Stood Still continue to debate as to why the footprints of Troll, Tauren, Orc, and elf alike were found on the carcass.

As with some things in Azeroth, this would simply pass into legend.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/15/2011 12:09 PM PDT
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82 Human Rogue
Alas, poor Elfamir. I didn't know him well.
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82 Human Rogue
Cathall added a very interesting comment to his article on soe4rp.wp.com. It was about listening to NPC chatter and building from that :)

I'm totally sitting in the phased Gilneas and just jotting down what NPCs say.

Yeah, Kali, there's so much cool talk between NPCs that goes on there. And of course, the worgen starting questline is extremely rich in lore. There's also "Lord of His Pack", a little story about Genn Greymane and the worgen allying the night elves. I enjoyed it - it adds a little depth and richness to Greymane's and Godfrey's history, too. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/cataclysm/features/genngreymane.html
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