Coming here~

85 Blood Elf Paladin
Hello people of Sisters of Elune! I've decided to transfer me and myself over here to this server later today, so I hope to see the upside of this community.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock

Look forward to seeing you about. :) I believe it's Orgrimmar RP Hub this weekend, so feel free to approach some people at The Wyvern's Tail.
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85 Gnome Mage
Hello from Team Blue! Welcome to SoE, hope you get to meet some of our great players ^_^
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Welcome to SoE!

And yeppers, Elly; it's another Org weekend! (See more here, Rullana: )

I know Bells (and alts, I'm sure) will be around Org this weekend at various points in time, save for a couple of engagements. If you see her, feel free to strike up a convo! :D
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