3.2k Resilience Disc Priest is looking for a competent dps for a 2's team.

Must be able to get in 2 - 3 Hours worth of games 3 - 4 days out of the week.
Must have a high knowledge of classes (both your own and everyone else).
Must be able to tolerate very long games because Dps/Healer against Dps/Healer will usually result in some pretty long & painful games.
Must have at least 3.2k resilience (Prefer 3.5k but I know some are using a PvE trinket like yours truly).

Skype is preferred (though vent is a possibility)
Melee class is preferred (Feral Druid, Arms Warrior, DK in that order with Frost Mage fitting somewhere in there as a high possible ranged) but most classes are okay (No to Enh Shaman because I would like the game to end eventually XD).
Play times between 6pm - Midnight Server Time though I'm somewhat flexible considering what day.
Preferred MMR of 1600+

Please either reply in thread or PST me in-game. Thanks for reading.
Edited by Irisviel on 4/15/2011 4:34 PM PDT