Below is a list of guidelines I play and live by when in game, the biggest thing for me is Play wow, RP, Get Creative and HAVE FUN!
• When logged in to a character associated with RP and playing in character, please do your best to conduct yourself in character at all times. This means no lol, lmao, j/k, ffs, idk, etc. in /say, guild chat, party chat or any other means of communicating as your character. Do your best to use proper Grammar and spelling, capitalize names, dialects are welcome.
• When you are in Character: In cities, place your character on walk, you can do this by hitting the backslash button above your number pad on your keyboard. conduct your character just as they would act. not a bouncing idiot of nub. This attracts the attention of other RP'ers and presents yourself as one.
• Reasons to stay in character: Not only do you attract the attention of other rp'ers and gain the opportunity for awesome stories, While you are on a Role Playing Character you are representing the Server and the type of RP SoE has to offer. We -ARE- Rp'ers and RP server that is our focus, RP comes first and foremost, only out ruled by RL. Real Life always comes first.
• All OOC, out of character, is to be in brackets ((example)). This tells anyone you are speaking with that it is what you as the god of your character is saying and not the character. Please keep this to a minimum in /say or any other IC channels.
• OOC is important as IC, thus why we have our ooc channels. To my knowledge there is a world OOC chat on both factions to join type /join RPchatter
• Things to keep in mind: When meeting new characters, you do not know their name right off the bat. While their name floats over their head in game, it is only seen by the player/ character god. Introductions are still necessary.
• Need help with Lore? A source for this information can be found on the wow forums, wowpedia, Wowwikki, Wide variety of novels sold by Blizzard by various authors, and many other outlets even so far as youtube podcasts.
• Please be sure to keep stories that would work in lore. Half elves are extremely rare, dragon flights in shifted humanoid form are rare, these combinations are left for more experienced RP'ers. Bending Lore is acceptable to a point, don't let this hinder your creative bone, just be mindful of the bounds set by the creative minds at Blizzard who created this world which we have come to know and love.
• For good RP try to play a character as realistic as possible. we are not all superheroes with unlimited access to power. Stick with things that the class you play are capable of. Things make them sad, angry, happy, ecstatic, upset, and all realms of emotion. How is it your character handles a situation?
• ERP, Erotic Role Play: While some enjoy this RP and some don't. This is not saying anyone can or can not. But Highly request that if it does come about to keep it to party chat or whispers. Remember there are children who play and well some things that are meant to stay PRIVATE. Do Not ERP in /say in /e or other publicly veiwable channels. We are all mature and can take jokes. Please keep this maturity and keep the Erotic play to yourselves and whom ever it involves.
• When logged in to a character associated with RP and playing in character, please do your best to conduct yourself in character at all times. This means no lol, lmao, j/k, ffs, idk, etc. in /say, guild chat, party chat or any other means of communicating as your character. Do your best to use proper Grammar and spelling, capitalize names, dialects are welcome.
• When you are in Character: In cities, place your character on walk, you can do this by hitting the backslash button above your number pad on your keyboard. conduct your character just as they would act. not a bouncing idiot of nub. This attracts the attention of other RP'ers and presents yourself as one.
• Reasons to stay in character: Not only do you attract the attention of other rp'ers and gain the opportunity for awesome stories, While you are on a Role Playing Character you are representing the Server and the type of RP SoE has to offer. We -ARE- Rp'ers and RP server that is our focus, RP comes first and foremost, only out ruled by RL. Real Life always comes first.
• All OOC, out of character, is to be in brackets ((example)). This tells anyone you are speaking with that it is what you as the god of your character is saying and not the character. Please keep this to a minimum in /say or any other IC channels.
• OOC is important as IC, thus why we have our ooc channels. To my knowledge there is a world OOC chat on both factions to join type /join RPchatter
• Things to keep in mind: When meeting new characters, you do not know their name right off the bat. While their name floats over their head in game, it is only seen by the player/ character god. Introductions are still necessary.
• Need help with Lore? A source for this information can be found on the wow forums, wowpedia, Wowwikki, Wide variety of novels sold by Blizzard by various authors, and many other outlets even so far as youtube podcasts.
• Please be sure to keep stories that would work in lore. Half elves are extremely rare, dragon flights in shifted humanoid form are rare, these combinations are left for more experienced RP'ers. Bending Lore is acceptable to a point, don't let this hinder your creative bone, just be mindful of the bounds set by the creative minds at Blizzard who created this world which we have come to know and love.
• For good RP try to play a character as realistic as possible. we are not all superheroes with unlimited access to power. Stick with things that the class you play are capable of. Things make them sad, angry, happy, ecstatic, upset, and all realms of emotion. How is it your character handles a situation?
• ERP, Erotic Role Play: While some enjoy this RP and some don't. This is not saying anyone can or can not. But Highly request that if it does come about to keep it to party chat or whispers. Remember there are children who play and well some things that are meant to stay PRIVATE. Do Not ERP in /say in /e or other publicly veiwable channels. We are all mature and can take jokes. Please keep this maturity and keep the Erotic play to yourselves and whom ever it involves.