New character,need RP guild

85 Undead Rogue
OK< so I started a character on Moon Guard,but there's too much ERP going on there, so I've decided to come to Cenarion Circle.
I'm going to start a new character, and I wan't to RP ...but don't know much about it. SO, I'm looking for an RP guild that actually does do RP but that is willing to help an RP noob learn how.

Hopefully there is one out there, I don't really care which faction, I can go either way...though I usually go Horde, lol.
So, any good RP guild that doesn't mind helping me learn, either post something here, or send me a message.....once I've decided on one I'll make the character.
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89 Human Paladin
There's plenty of RP guilds on both sides that are more than happy to help you learn!

There's a sticky thread on these forums that should be able to help you:

That's not a totally complete list, but each one of those guilds is recruiting!
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Welcome to Cenarion Circle!

Nothing wrong with going horde side, there are plenty of guilds to pick from in either faction. I would suggest, however, that the best course of action is to think about what kind of character you would find interesting to play. The big thing about role playing is to interact with others and make decisions/reactions based upon that character. Once you have the character down, I can guarantee that there will be a guild for it.

Whether you want to try an evil, good, spiritual, fanatical, snobbish, or intellectual character, there are RP guilds for every type. Check through the link that Cray posted and that is a list of SOME of the guilds that are available. There is more, and new ones seem to pop up on the server all the time.
Edited by Vasilia on 4/12/2011 10:47 AM PDT
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