Will be rolling on this server tonight.

100 Draenei Shaman
Hey folks. Yesterday made a few posts in general and tavern, inquring about RP servers.

I come from an extensive RP background, having played everything from DnD to more RP based RPG's, and MANY years on MUSH/MUD's. Started playing the game with non RPers, and love my guild there.. but would really enjoy some RP on the off time.

I asked around, and while there were alot of people saying which realms they RP'd on were good or not... you guys sood out. The people that posted about CC server went out of their way to explain stuff, the current events going on, etc. Made me feel very welcome :)

So tonight i will be rolling a character on your server. The idea has been floaing in my head since i created my druid on a NON rp server, and now gives me the chance to use it fully.
(will be an alliance worgen druid btw).
I hope to see a bunch of you out there as i get to know the comunity.
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88 Gnome Death Knight
Same advice I give anyone new in town (I really ought to just copy and paste it somewhere):

Join the channels! They're a good way to get in touch with people while you're still plowing through the starting zones and so forth. Alliance side you've got:

AllianceOOC - General OOC chat for roleplayers, and a great place to say "hiya, I'm new."
HearthstoneIC - An in-character channel usable from anywhere, based on the general idea of hearthstones being able to carry words as well as people. CB radio gone WoW, essentially.

Horde side has the exact same channels with slightly different names: "HordeOOC" and "Hearthstone" respectively.

Enjoy the server!
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Welcome to Cenarion Circle... well, Pre-Welcome I suppose!

Aeldgyth beat me too it, but yes, the channels are an important way to get in contact with people; and an even better place to ask "is there anything going on tonight?'

Speaking of which, the Spring Festival is now half over! Tonight's event is a gathering to discuss the Virtues of The Light. If I remember correctly, specifically how it affects the Naru and Draenei, in the city of Exodar... Actually, I think there is suppose to be a guest speaker... but that might just be a rumor!
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100 Draenei Shaman
And just curious, general rule of thumb for RP realms.. /1 (general) is usualy IC chat? Trade is OOC? and guild chat, etc i guess would vary by guild?

Just dont want to walk in an be a douche.. not sure how the 'rules' go for here.. weither you can walk into an area and start posing/talking away.. or if you should OOC ask if you can join, etc.
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89 Human Paladin
On Cenarion Circle, General is OOC because there's a lot of non-RPers on the server who use that channel too. Trade is OOC as well because it's used for trade and advertising. Guild chat is determined by the guild, and they'll let you know -- but to my knowledge, most of our guilds have IC guild chat and a separate OOC chat channel they'll ask you to join.

For global channels you definitely want to make sure you join the channels Aeldgyth mentioned. As you're going to be a Worgen (you said), the only ones you need to worry about are AllianceOOC and HearthstoneIC.

As for RPing.... if you walk in and start talking to people, nobody should have a problem with it. The trick is, if something's going on you don't necessarily want to interrupt but you might also not have any idea what it is. In my experience, it's best to have a nosey character for instances like that. (Or have a character like my alt, who doesn't care about anyone and therefore just watches until he has something creepy to say. :P)

You can, of course, OOC ask if you can join, but it's not required by any means. And the answer will be "yes" 99.9% of the time. :)
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Obviously the OOC channel (/allianceOOC) is OOC, as is the IC Channel (/hearthstoneIC) IC... so we'll get those out of the way first.

Like any RP server, CC has a population of non-role players. They talk freely from time to time in general. For the role players we all generally speak in character as much as possible; and will walk whenever we get a chance too or time allows.

It is funny to randomly come across another role player by the fountain between the AH and Bank in SW trade district. You can tell that everyone stops and watches what is going on.

I remember talking to another role player in the SW AH about needing a certain pearl or something for enchanting. A non-role player overhead it and got a spare one from their bank and offered to sell it to me as they tried to be in character as much as they could. It was great to see them make an attempt. Who knows, maybe they gave role playing a more serious consideration because of it?!

I keep all my conversations in /s as in character unless an ((OOC)) is absolutely needed. I make extensive use of /e emotes as well.

Guild chat all depends on the guild. AAMS guild chat is IC, though if there are just one or two of us on and we are doing the same thing, we relax the rules. Our guild has an OOC channel as well for members only.

I always ask when invited to a raid or party with other RPers /p OOC or IC? as soon as I get there so there is no issues.
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04/13/2011 10:43 AMPosted by Crayauchtin
You can, of course, OOC ask if you can join, but it's not required by any means. And the answer will be "yes" 99.9% of the time

If I see someone sitting at a table by themselves and I know they are a role player, I will "RP around them" with things like /e takes a seat, pulling a stack of papers from her satchel and sorting them on the table in front of her.

That will often get reply like /e notices the Draenei and says "That's a lot of paperwork you have there."

And thus, the ice is broken and a conversation is started!

If I am on the ball, I can notice when someone wants to approach or start a conversation and will often break the ice for them or set them up with an opportunity to start the conversation. /e sets her book down, taking a slow long sip from her glass of milk or /e looks up from her paper towards ____ and offers a friendly smile.
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100 Draenei Shaman
Thats what i figured.. and what i was used to.. just a simple pose or two, to sorta say ' your there' then see what happens.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Most of us are nice OOCly and at times even ICly. (AKA don't let guild tags fool you!)
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100 Night Elf Priest
I hope you enjoy your visit!
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