Not exactly new but..

70 Worgen Druid
Hi I used to play here once but it was a few years ago and I was wanting to know if there was still an active roleplay community on this server still. My rp style is still new and Id be looking for players that do more light to medium types of rp.
A few things I want to know are:
Where are the places that rpers hang out in game? If I remember correctly I think the park district in stormwind was the main hub but well since ol' deathwing trashed the place and, from what Im guessing, an earth quake knocked out the park side where have people moved to?
I'm really interested in doing rp events, Id even be willing to try planing a few. Are there any that go on here? I'd like to do some rp through some dungeons too.
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85 Gnome Mage
Kalico has a list of regular RP events here:

which includes a listing for our weekly fishing excursion, the details of which are here:

I see roleplayers hanging out in the Trade and Dwarven districts, but I've also encountered RP out in the most remote locations. I consider the roleplay community here active, especially if you're willing to initiate it. Ultimately, however, your RP mileage may vary, and a lot depends on what you make of it.

Best of luck to you!
Edited by Nozz on 4/14/2011 2:51 PM PDT
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