Bi-factional RP via Real ID...doable!

24 Goblin Shaman
When the RealID feature came out in W.o.W. it was awesome. Now players who became RealID friends could communicate with each other not only across factions but now across servers and even other online Blizzard games (i.e. Starcraft). My friends, myself and I know countless others have started calling the RealID feature "Twittercraft", which seems to be a good (and appropriate) nickname for the feature.
But has anyone tried using it for cross-faction RP?
While the general theme of W.o.W. is that there are, indeed, two factions (Horde and Alliance) competing against and with each other in order to gain control over land, income and resources, both sides are now (and have always been) engaged in the same war. Now with Deathwing looming over the heads of -everyone-, Horde and Alliance alike, communication between the two factions has become more difficult and necessary than ever. But with the two factions and the ten different races only speaking three different types of language (common, orcish, and their racial) how would the two factions speak to each other at all, much less in a language they can both understand?
Not to go into too much detail, but I started out my (now) level 85 human paladin as a blood elf on this server. He developed a whole story line and made many friends Horde side. However, as some things tend to do, relations in the guild I was in got sticky and unpleasant, so I faction changed. I did not throw away his original story, instead adapting it so that the F.C. made more sense. Now he's a happy, everyday human instead of a blood elf.
But what about my Horde side friends? Do I just cut off all ties to the Horde side characters that built (and are still a part of) my paladin's story?
We use our RealID connections to continue the storyline interaction of our chars instead of completely abandoning them, and so far, it works great! True, I know these people (some for years) and aren't just random RP'ers I've added, because we all know the possible dangers of just giving away our info. Still, I was wondering, has anyone else tried to use their RealID feature as a means of RPing, not just char to char but across factions?
And just remember. Bi-factional RP IS doable.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Bells has communicated with humans using Common (she's a little rusty with it since she doesn't use it daily) via low-level alts rolled Alliance side and through Real ID conversations. The Real ID RPs were more intricate to write, of course; dialog was passed through Real ID whispers and the "basic" emotes (/smile, etc) were still used, which lent to a very interesting writing session. People who happened to be around as Aldheim and Bells conversed in the Legerdermain in Dalaran must have thought we were nuts. xD

I've also used Real ID for conversations between characters via hearthstone/"communication device" (as a good number of people do, I'm sure). The conversation via communicator happened between Bella's wife and their daughter while Bells and Kylea sat next to each other. The trick, however, was that I was writing both parts of Bells and the child. Emote and /s were used to signify what Bells was doing and saying to her wife as the redhead chatted away; in the meanwhile, Real ID whispers consisted of the conversation with the kiddo.

RPs where things like this take place can be extremely tricky to pull off if you want to keep at a strong pace, but it makes it so fun! :D
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24 Goblin Shaman
Agreed! :) and Bella I've seen you around Silvermoon (when I was still a blelf ^^0 )but never got a chance to strike up a convo, especially since my paladin wasn't exactly a FAN of the Blood Knights :| But ah well, he's up to his neck in the Light now ("I'm in the Stormwind !@#$ing Cathedral!" T_T *cries tears of joi* and/or "OMG A Draenei who doesn't want to kill me at first sight, sweet!") . I've found the best place to have any kind of Bi-factional convo is a neutral meeting place, i.e. Dalaran, Shattrath (which my pally haunts), Aldor or Scryer Tier (depending on if they share the same rep. Can get tricky if they don't..), Booty Bay, Rachet, etc. I've even stopped by Eversong Woods and happily chatted away with some blelf buddies.
Like you said, it's tricky, but fun!
If anyone wants to add me. I'm all up for meeting new RPers ;) Just anyone who does add me, mention this thread and I'll know what you want. I dont handle griefers well :| ... Im reachable either by Calixzi here or the human paladin Isàias (funky a, alt 0224), just drop me a letter letting me know you're interested and I can give you my RealID info. :3
Good to see someone else uses the system to a full RP advantage! :D
Oh and as a PS, my pally speaks Thalassian. :) Self studied, so harsh, but Thalassian XD
Edited by Calixzi on 4/15/2011 1:07 PM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
Cross faction RP can be fun. I had a great time taking Nozz on a walking tour of the Netherstorm and picking out a “summer home” with Malfos. Only a gnome and a Forsaken would find that place remotely attractive, I think.

I like giving the appearance of opposite faction people talking, so I usually repost my responses in /s or do a quick edit to emote … it’s not a big deal when you type fast, but I understand that can be a lot of text to handle and wouldn’t expect the other person to do the same.

I used to be one of those players afraid to use RealID, but over time opinions change and you discover things aren’t as bad as one might have been led to believe. Especially once you start dabbling in things like facebook and people get to know the player behind the pixels xD
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Cross-faction RP can be amazing when done correctly, I agree. I think people need to keep it on the DL, though ICly since well.. there's not two factions for a friendly competition of golf. :x

However, keeping that in mind, it can be very, very fun.
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