Venere Veritas [[Heavy RP Guild Recruiting]]

83 Blood Elf Rogue
So i've finally decided to put my foot down, and begin to create my own guild. The main idea behind this, was the ludicrous amounts of people that start RP guilds, but don't..well..Stick to their own values that they insist their members must also have. My OOC level of understanding of these concepts has been in my mind for years, but I've been more of an observer over these years that i've been on Sisters of Elune (It's comin' up to about 3 and then some, soon.) I know i'm very approachable OOCly, as well as ICly, and with the people I have had the pleasure of meeting in this RP community have given me hope for this server.

Anyways! Yes, my main goal is to have a complete set focus on the RP itself, and without any kind of cliques, or discrimination. Anyone who is able to competently carry themselves in an RP situation, and has a knowledgeable and creative approach to their character and history, would just be excellent, but I can't expect that from every single person. So I am -also- very willing to help those who wish to be a better Role-player, in general.

So! If any of you experienced, or even not-so experienced Role-Players out there on Horde Side are looking for something serious, i'm your girl. The only requirements for entry will be to pass an In character interview with yours truely.

The guild is small itself, but i'm hoping to expand as it becomes more well known~ And -Will- be creating RP events once we're bigger!

Contacting me in-game through PMs or Mail is perfectly fine, or even responding to this forum post, because i'll surely be checking for responses ^^;

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Woot! Best of luck with the recruitment!
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85 Draenei Shaman
Good luck with recruitment. I may be rolling a horde side toon, so I'll have check you out!
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82 Human Rogue
Great idea! I'm all excited to see this happening. :D
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83 Blood Elf Rogue
Thanks Kalico ^^ And For reals! I know! The last I checked, there's only a few RP guilds on Horde Side, and well..Yeah. To each their own, I guess. I'm so excited!

-hugs you alliance- I have an 85 over there m'self in Rangers of Alterac, name's Raevanna.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
oh! Don't forget to put your info on the guild thread so I can add you to it :D
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I'm all for more RP guilds, but from what I'm getting is that this is similar to Clockwerk's setup where it's an OOC guild for RP? Like you see RP guilds "We are the voice of the Draenei" or "We're the trolls of hibbitybibbity" or "We're the Moonwalker Tribe who dance with chipmunks" or "We're the fallen knights of happytown". I didn't see any evidence in your post about <what> or who your guild is beyond the idea that "We'd like to RP."

I'd like to know more, as I'm still in the drafting process of creating a horde character.
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85 Draenei Shaman
"We're the trolls of hibbitybibbity"

This is why I love you, Aera.
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83 Blood Elf Rogue
To answer your question Aera, not quite. I could have made this more clear, but now that I look at what I wrote, I can add to it.

This guild is NOT going to be an OOC guild for RP. While there will be an OOC channel for talking, planning, and just general messin' around, It will be entirely set ICly otherwise. My main goal in creating this guild, was to have a very literate, structured environment for people who love to RP as much as I do, as well as to help those who want to learn more, and so on and so forth.

OOCly, my deal was that..A good portion of the guilds that at least I've seen, don't exactly stick to their own guidelines and rules. Which is really upsetting to me, to see that some of the largest and most well known guild's leaders and followers don't know the basics. While i'm not targetting anyone too inparticular, if you know and you've seen what i'm talking about, then you know. Y'know, the very fine line between IC and OOC? I'll give anyone credit who DOES in fact know that, but there's plenty of people who just put too much damn drama into something that should -never- be there in the first place.

But oh gods, it excites me to know that people are actually reading this, and wanting to know more about it, so I thank you for allowing me to explain myself better. I'm really not wanting to come off as some arrogant jerk, because that's not what i'm about at all, I just want to create an -actual- environment for people that are wanting to have a good time, with a serious undertone, you know? There's nothing I hate more than when someone takes their character OOCly and cries about it, so essentially. . . I'm going to try and fix that. Find those dedicated people, and make something that's worthy of a reputation, and not just a guild with hundreds of members but nothing to show for it in regards of skill, and actually knowing what they're doing.

You mentioned a kind of theme of the sorts as well, and I can somewhat answer that. While i'm still really creating the idea in my head, it's more of an Elite Soldier/Mercenaries Group, with underlying aspects that can be created over time.
:B -Rox
Edited by Røxanna on 4/17/2011 4:45 PM PDT
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89 Blood Elf Paladin
Bump for Roxie because I admire her energy and ambition!

<3 Xu
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83 Blood Elf Rogue
I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY! Oh my gods. :D You have no idea how much this made me smile Xuth, thank you so much. ^.^ I'm really trying to make this work, even with the lack of Role players on SoE, the number seems to be rising again, and it makes me vereh happy.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
The numbers are in fact going up, I see lots more open role paly in Silvermoon, and well you know I've been getting alot of role paly myself, and all of its been wonderful!
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