RPing on this server- How is it?

80 Blood Elf Rogue
So I am semi-new to RP, been active on the forums but new to in-game RP. I recently rolled Alli on Emerald Dream and a Horde toon on Wyrmrest Accord. I really like WrA, but I wanted to see how CC is since I have also heard a lot of great things about this server.

Basically, I like WrA because world RP is pretty open- you do not have to rely on a guild which is what I have heard about CC. Is this true? If any of you could give me a little bit more insight into the RP on this server (I will be rolling a toon to try it here anyway but I am curious to hear what others have to say) that would be very appreciated.

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85 Night Elf Hunter
Starting tomorrow, all of next week will be RP events every day that's open to the public (Alliance side). It's called the Spring Festival, and the post should be hanging around on these forums somewhere. Here's a link--the schedule is the second post down.


Besides that, people have been making efforts to make the RP more world-wide. AllianceOOC on Alliance is a good place to start, and Blue Recluse in Stormwind is an RP hotspot for people to just walk in and start RPing pretty much whenever.

Horde I don't know as much about, besides that the guild AAMS will do and has done RP with practically anyone, being couriers/businessmen. Ishnu Por Ah also has an ongoing story about kicking the Alliance out of the Barrens as well.
Edited by Dustwing on 4/9/2011 9:20 PM PDT
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Lots of RP, lots of opportunities. Best way to get a foot in the door is the channels:

"HordeOOC" on the Horde side or "AllianceOOC" for Alliance will get you in the general-chatter channels that roleplayers use. Lots of event announcements and things like that.

"Hearthstone" on the Horde side or "HearthstoneIC" on the Alliance gets you an in-character channel. General idea is that people can use their hearthstones to talk from wherever they are, as well as teleport on home -- CB radio gone Warcraft. So hop on in and say anything you like. People will roll from there.

See you around, I hope!
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89 Human Paladin
You definitely don't need a guild to RP on CC! I have two characters I RP on this server, one of them wasn't in a guild for a loooong time and the other will probably never be since he has this tendency to kill most everyone.

As long as you're in the OOC channel for your faction, though, it is not hard at all to find RP or just people to RP with.
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You can enter RP on this server very easily via forums as well. Alternately, find people you see here, and just start following them around in game. They *WILL* talk to you.
Edited by Plainswander on 4/12/2011 10:38 AM PDT
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04/12/2011 10:38 AMPosted by Plainswander
Alternately, find people you see here, and just start following them around in game. They *WILL* talk to you.

Follow Vasilia around long enough and she'll likely put you to work delivering things... or at least carrying the heavy boxes!
Edited by Vasilia on 4/12/2011 10:49 AM PDT
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90 Human Death Knight
When I joined the RP community on CC, I was skeptical, at best. As a long time table-top role player, I was sure that the game mechanics and ultra-competitive nature of WoW's lore would be very non-conducive to quality RP.

Holy crap on a sick was I wrong!

The RP found on CC is top-notch (with some scattered glaring exceptions, but that is to be expected) and the players really know how to be very inclusive. Granted, my character is not involved with a whole lot of ongoing stories, but that is the nature of the character. He is intended as a supportive role type personality, not a spotlight character. That does not mean that I have been lacking RP opportunities, however. Anytime I find RP happening (which is VERY often) I always feel very welcome to join in.

I have rolled a few alts on some of the other "big" RP servers, but they just don't feel like "home" to me. I may be biased, and I may have some emotional attachment to the realm, but, gosh-darn-it-all, I love it here, and I think you will, too.
Edited by Verogoth on 4/12/2011 11:54 AM PDT
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Having tried Wyrmrest Accord, Moonguard, Farstriders, and Revenholdt before coming here, I can honestly say this is, or at least can be, one of the better ones. Our stronger points are definitely our guilds and their ongoing storylines. Our weaker points are directly related to this, in that at times it can be hard for a new player to find a way into this tight knit community (at least on the alliance side) simply by rolling onto the server.

In general, the two extremes of very casual open tavern rp and intense, private forum driven storyline rp are starting to melt into a very healthy server for both sides. If you run into any of us, feel free to just start talking, emoting, or even running around in circles. New faces are always a good thing, and they help break the routine and rigid character developments we might have become mired in.

Basically, we want you here!
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89 Human Paladin
04/12/2011 10:38 AMPosted by Plainswander
You can enter RP on this server very easily via forums as well. Alternately, find people you see here, and just start following them around in game. They *WILL* talk to you.

With a few exceptions. Some people (Ulfrec) might try to kill you instead. It's best to be armed when taking this approach... but it will always lead to roleplay opportunities!
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