Luminos Mortis- Children of the Dark,hear me!

58 Human Death Knight
I am looking to start a new,Alliance,villain guild called Luminos Mortis,Latin for Lights Death,and need any willing Death Knights,Warlocks,and Shadow Priests to sign the charter and start things up. For politics,I will appoint me and two other people as part of a High Council,and one player from each class part of a lower Council. After the guild is formed,I will get more into this,as it is important for guild. Just a note,though,council members will be elected every two months by the high council,whose members will serve until impeachment for breaking guild rules or decide to step down. I will be very glad if you join. For if you don't,you will suffer the wrath of Luminos Mortis!
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100 Human Mage
A bunch of democratic villains...sounds like the U.S. senate only with better fashion sense.

I hope you do well, Karpath, but you'll likely have to do some in-game recruitment to get your guild started. You're one of the earlier people to roll up a character on Cenarion Circle because of Vasilia's post on the World's End tavern. So while there should be other guildless role players reading this ad, you'll likely have better luck getting in game with the recruitment as fast as you can.

As we keep Vasilia's post going, and as more role players like you transfer over and report back to the World's End Tavern that Cenarion Circle is the place to be for role playing, then we'll get a larger stream of role players reading the forums. In the meantime...check the Allianceooc channel for anyone who's got an alt they can send your way. We role players are typically altoholics after all.
Edited by Imperon on 4/13/2011 5:27 PM PDT
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21 Worgen Rogue
I think it's very exciting.... I signed the charter though it's not really IC of me to be in a guild, so I'll probably be rolling at least one alt for this guild!! Lluchduu Ocheliad is bad and scurry and all.... but this is... eeeeevil! XD
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04/13/2011 10:07 PMPosted by Ulfrec
Lluchduu Ocheliad is bad and scurry and all.

I can honestly say that I still have cold shivers whenever I think about the first time I met Imperon in an RP setting... The bar is set pretty high, but if this new guild plans to be more evil, then I can hardly wait!
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85 Human Warlock
04/13/2011 10:25 PMPosted by Vasilia
I can honestly say that I still have cold shivers whenever I think about the first time I met Imperon in an RP setting... The bar is set pretty high, but if this new guild plans to be more evil, then I can hardly wait!

You think I've had it bad with Imperon? I've seen him in-game (and in character) twice. The first time was the good time. He was surrounded by his Lluchduu's (like eight of them), ready to come and kill some trouble makers. Imagine for a moment a party of LOers, ready to go to war, with Imp at the forefront? Yeah. That was my first meeting. Lucky me, huh?
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89 Human Paladin
The first time I saw Imperon (actually the only time) he was actually sort of helping the Stormwind City Watch (by telling someone from LO to drop their weapon....). Didn't seem that bad. His reputation on the other hand.... *shivers*

....but not as bad as Ardam!
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100 Gnome Mage
You need to pick a good battle cry for Luminos Mortis! Something like "For the _____!"
Pia mostly uses "For the Light!", except I tend to shout "Not the face!"
I'm not sure if the Light has an equal and opposite counterpart in the lore. This will require more research.

And stop picking on Imperon! 99 44/100% of his nastiness is because his family was mean to him. Poor thing...

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89 Human Paladin
"For the Shadow!" perhaps, Iecia?

Or maybe "IN IECIA's FACE!" :P
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100 Gnome Mage
"For the Shadow!" perhaps, Iecia?

Or maybe "IN IECIA's FACE!" :P


We'll see if you're still laughing after I solder your knees together, Mister Man-In-A-Can!
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90 Human Death Knight
FOR PONY!!!!!!!!!
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89 Human Paladin
04/14/2011 12:56 PMPosted by Iecia
We'll see if you're still laughing after I solder your knees together, Mister Man-In-A-Can!

I always laugh. I'm the laughing Man-Can.
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85 Human Warlock
04/14/2011 12:58 PMPosted by Verogoth
FOR PONY!!!!!!!!!

I second this motion.
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90 Human Rogue

Is my vote for an evil sounding battle cry!
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85 Human Warlock

Show the Blizzard love with your battle cry.
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