Muhahahaha – Playing a Villain

[Cross-posted on]

Long story short, I am doing a character transfer from my old server to Sisters of Elune – and then a faction transfer.

The reason for this nuttiness? My main on the old server has gotten a bit stale. Recently, the roleplaying bug has bit me – hard – and I want some of the “goodies” that are currently stored on my main (Bind on Account items for another character, full tuxedo, gold, gold, gold…) available to my new characters.

The problem? Nobody needs TWO orc shaman on the same realm.

I have always wanted to try the alliance side, especially in the roleplaying community of Sisters of Elune. So my orc shaman will eventually morph into a dwarf shaman.

That gives me a brief window of opportunity to use the newly transferred orc for some villainous and dastardly deeds (cue evil laughter), provided one of my friends and compadres actually needs a villain to move their story along. Maybe an interesting confrontation, and then a nice, dramatic resolution (followed by a faction change, allowing the demise of the Horde character to actually happen).

This brings me to my point: how do you play a villain?

  • For one thing, my character cannot be t[i]he[/i] villain. That job is taken. I am more looking at a middle management position at Evil Incorported.

  • Unless I was looking to make the character completely cartoonish, an evil character would not see himself as evil. In some cases, it’s a matter of “the end justifies the means”, or a desire to do something good, but going about it in the wrong way (for example, trying to bring about peace and order results in a controlling, totalitarians and oppressive regime).

  • There is a time and place for outrageously evil characters, but when it goes too far overboard it can become laughable and predictable.

  • The character needs to have a purpose, and the purpose has to have significantly more substance than “be evil”.

  • There needs to be an intersection between the protagonist and the antagonist – and the goal of the protagonist ideally is in direct conflict to the goal of the villain. At the very least, if the villain was to succeed, it would bring significant harm to the protagonist.

I am just slowly filling out the character's backstory. Any thoughts and recommendations for being evil (beyond twirling a mustache) are most welcome.
Edited by Rongar on 4/14/2011 11:41 PM PDT
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90 Human Hunter
So Rongar is going to be a Dwarf? D=

Dang, was having fun interacting with ya Horde side. (I'm also Sheka x.x).

My suggestion would be try to read up books about criminal activities and try to relate them to the modern-medieval settings of Warcraft. Heck, we have a Bank of Stormwind or a Bank of Orgrimmar. You could probably pull off a "Catch Me If You Can" type of thing.
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Oh no, nononono - I am sorry if I completely goofed up my explanation. My freshly transferred level 85 shaman will become an alliance player in the next few weeks. As soon Rongar has milked him for all the gold he's worth.

Rongar stays.
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Other server stale? Coming to SoE? You don't get much staler than this server. It's dying in every aspect of the word. Although the RP seems good enough for you, other RP servers are much better. If I were you I wouldn't waste any money to come to this server.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Nothing further from the truth Chevyik. I suggest actually trying to engage in RP before choosing to bash it. Best of luck :)
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90 Human Hunter
Oh no, nononono - I am sorry if I completely goofed up my explanation. My freshly transferred level 85 shaman will become an alliance player in the next few weeks. As soon Rongar has milked him for all the gold he's worth.

Rongar stays.

It's 1 AM here, and I'm about to headdesk. xD

04/15/2011 09:47 AMPosted by Chevyik
Other server stale? Coming to SoE? You don't get much staler than this server. It's dying in every aspect of the word. Although the RP seems good enough for you, other RP servers are much better. If I were you I wouldn't waste any money to come to this server.

No such thing as "better" RP servers. Everyone has their own cuppa tea.

A 'stale' server would old Pvp server. It has degraded from one of the best into a sorry pile-up where people with serious large e-peen disorders are comparing against each other who has the best 'Rated BG' team that rightly represents the server. Claiming how they're good at bashing heads against the opposing faction while frothing about with the most ridiculous amount of infinite rage generation when someone actually dare to stand up against them.
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04/15/2011 09:47 AMPosted by Chevyik
If I were you I wouldn't waste any money to come to this server.

Too late.

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85 Night Elf Mage
04/14/2011 11:38 PMPosted by Rongar
I have always wanted to try the alliance side, especially in the roleplaying community of Sisters of Elune. So my orc shaman will eventually morph into a dwarf shaman.

When you finally get to the blue side of the fence, let me know. Sari can always use an extra healer for those *cough* rare *cough* occasions when she gets in over her ears.

But it really doesn't happen often.

*crosses eyes and looks down at her nose* Is it...growing? Nah. Must be the angle.
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90 Human Hunter
I got some ideas for ya, senor. After I recently read a certain book, why not have said villain harness/demand support from the Elements for his/her own personal cravings? Simple enough and doesn't go way over the top.

And when tossed that dwarf, come to <Clockwerk> and bask in the glory of my *cough* Epic Axe Chop Moustache *cough*.

I do hope you don't mind the company of several hyperactive nightwalkers on hypochondriac coffee cardiac dose.


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Epic moustache you say...

I give you Moustache Cash Stash

04/16/2011 06:52 AMPosted by Byrond
I do hope you don't mind the company of several hyperactive nightwalkers on hypochondriac coffee cardiac dose.

I do appreciate the warm and wonderfully welcoming awesome alliance aliterations.

Give it a month, and my semi-competent reign of terror as villain will be over. Then Byrond can commiserate with another carelessly casual coffee consumer. And Sarielyn, don't worry, I am an awesome healer (hastily turns to cover nose, "Alright, fine... good healer... I mean mediocre. *sigh* ... Incompetent? There, that stopped it...").

Anyway, I am looking forward to it. Code blue. Order the shirts!
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85 Night Elf Mage
04/16/2011 07:19 AMPosted by Rongar
And Sarielyn, don't worry, I am an awesome healer (hastily turns to cover nose, "Alright, fine... good healer... I mean mediocre. *sigh* ... Incompetent? There, that stopped it...").

I'll take whatever help I can get, trust me!
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85 Orc Shaman
Well, this was fun.

The award for best supporting actress goes to Kalico for keeping it nicely under wraps during the entire planning process, and for taking the fall with style (she didn't even use a stunt double).

At this point, all that's left to say is:

Muhahahahahaha.... (trails off)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/22/2011 07:44 AMPosted by Kraddak
The award for best supporting actress goes to Kalico for keeping it nicely under wraps during the entire planning process, and for taking the fall with style (she didn't even use a stunt double).

I had to fight the strong urge to bubble.
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And nobody provided you with any Antiseptic-Soaked Dressing so far...

What kind of a second-rate hospital did they put you in?

Oh right, the Wyvern Tail Inn...
Edited by Rongar on 4/22/2011 1:48 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Eyes white hat.

Nah. I'mma keep wearing this nice grey one. It's my favey!

Oh, Kraddak made a friend last night.


And yes... for the first time in three years, I was fooled. Be proud! x3
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