A little disappointed...

85 Night Elf Druid
Many know I'm an altoholica haha, but have had a few run ins with supposedly well rounded, well represented RP guilds whom as of late have yet to live up to their hype. I would say its just me but with out naming names I know of others who have had similar issues. Most of the issues come into play through OOC Drama. which for the record I hate. Many of us Roleplay really well but when a conflict comes up I've noticed its taken out of context or someone doesnt want to play up to par with the Story line consiquences. On this I'm asking for the sake of SoE Take responsibility for your characters actions. Dont go about getting butthurt because something didn't pan out the way you thought.

Remember there is a line between out of character and in character. By letting the OOC drama continue its a wonder more havent left for Wyrmrest. A larger mroe recent issue I have seen is some one belittled for their involvement with a character. The problem went so far as to cause this person to be kicked from the guild because the guild, again one more reputable and I personally would expect more from. The guild as far as I could see did not bother to gather the entire story and gave little room for this person to speak their point.

I don't know about the rest, I know I'm not here to be judgemental. We all have standards on what we hold for quality RP. We all have different ideals on lore, some bend it more than others.

So I am asking this from all of SoE, not pointing fingers, just a general note for improvement;
PLEASE PLEASE Take up for your RP actions, Know the difference between In Character and Out of Character, and DON't beliddle someone because their story doesn't fit the way you think it should; especially when they have little to no interaction with you or your character.

As much as I hate to say, if these sort of things continue, I wouldnt be surprised if more people left the server and others avoided it entirely. SoE is my home and has been so for a long time. With so many working to get it back to where it was and to become better, myself included, don't let the petty things ruin us.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I get a feel on where you're going with this, Miradollia, and you have some valid points.

What I'd like to do in this case is invite and encourage you to share some of your tips on how you separate IC and OOC in your own way. How would you help others to do so?

Without finger-pointing and from a neutral standpoint, try tossing together a few ideas on how you handle things to keep the real from the realistic. Once you have something ready, head to http://soe4rp.wordpress.com/ and contribute your article (and don't forget to post it here, too!).

Subjects of quelling drama, voicing out in the community, and separating IC and OOC are always valid. You can help out new faces and old hats alike by sharing your voice and experience with them. :)


PS - Where's dem Hordies of yours? ;P
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Many know I'm an altoholica haha, but have had a few run ins with supposedly well rounded, well represented RP guilds whom as of late have yet to live up to their hype. I would say its just me but with out naming names I know of others who have had similar issues. Most of the issues come into play through OOC Drama. which for the record I hate. Many of us Roleplay really well but when a conflict comes up I've noticed its taken out of context or someone doesnt want to play up to par with the Story line consiquences. On this I'm asking for the sake of SoE Take responsibility for your characters actions. Dont go about getting butthurt because something didn't pan out the way you thought.

Remember there is a line between out of character and in character. By letting the OOC drama continue its a wonder more havent left for Wyrmrest. A larger mroe recent issue I have seen is some one belittled for their involvement with a character. The problem went so far as to cause this person to be kicked from the guild because the guild, again one more reputable and I personally would expect more from. The guild as far as I could see did not bother to gather the entire story and gave little room for this person to speak their point.

I don't know about the rest, I know I'm not here to be judgemental. We all have standards on what we hold for quality RP. We all have different ideals on lore, some bend it more than others.

So I am asking this from all of SoE, not pointing fingers, just a general note for improvement;
PLEASE PLEASE Take up for your RP actions, Know the difference between In Character and Out of Character, and DON't beliddle someone because their story doesn't fit the way you think it should; especially when they have little to no interaction with you or your character.

As much as I hate to say, if these sort of things continue, I wouldnt be surprised if more people left the server and others avoided it entirely. SoE is my home and has been so for a long time. With so many working to get it back to where it was and to become better, myself included, don't let the petty things ruin us.


Why is this not a sticky for the server!?
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