Council of Shadows is recruiting a healer

85 Human Paladin
Council of Shadows is recruiting a Raid ready healer for our Ten-man Tuesday Raids.
Rift and Real Life have taken away several of our Raid healers as such we have an immediate opening for ONE raid ready healer.
- Know your class
- Have Best in Slot items where/as appropriate
- Watch a vid before raid night to learn basic mechanics of the boss fights.
- Show up on time ready to go (Runs are 8pm server on Tuesday)
- Have vent and a working mike
- Have a positive, persistent, attitude
- Guaranteed Raid Spot week in week out
- Great group of mature, patient, folks
- Guild Repairs
- Loot!

I should add here that even if you have never raided before, please do give it consideration. We have not progressed far at all in Cata, so we’re all a little new. We are eager to learn and progress and if you are too, come join us!
For any information, questions, or such, just whisper or mail Beorfaithful in game.
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100 Gnome Mage
Bump for a good group of people. We have room to take basically any class, so don't be shy. Our website is and there's a link to an application on the top bar. A microphone isn't required as long as you can listen to vent and understand what's going on. If you're looking for a guild that's mature, fun, and almost ready to hit the progression circuit with a few more raid-ready members, this is the place for you.
Edited by Brystle on 4/19/2011 6:53 PM PDT
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86 Night Elf Druid
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