Sunwell Anyone? {H}

85 Blood Elf Warrior
I, sadly, never got to complete this raid back during BC, my raiding guild fell to piece shortly before it was released and there weren't any other guilds on the server (Scryers) at that time who could even imagine to attempt to raid it.

I've recently been grinding heroic Magister's Terrace with my girlfriend for the little Phoenix Hatchling pet for her and it occurred to me how nice it would be to finish that raid, just from the standpoint of my race's in-game history. So I'm asking for anyone who is interested Hordeside to let me know and we'll try to put something together. :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh me! ME! PICK ME!

I <3 that place :)
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I'm for it! I love Sunwell!
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Sweet, I'll try Monday to get in contact with everyone. I may be the first week of May, however, as I'm in the middle of finals at the Uni. :)
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85 Undead Mage
I, too, would be interested on a Monday evening. (I am not usually able to get on until after 7:30 pm server time as I am on the Left Coast.)
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100 Orc Warrior
I'd be down, especially if I can bring a less than 85 toon.

Qualifications? I studied for and led a SWP for the guild you're now in (That Tedrah put on calendar, she even got the legendary bow from it). :D
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