[A] <The Ten> (10/12) seeking raid DPS


85 Draenei Hunter
We are currently seeking one skilled, reliable, and dedicated raid healer and one DPS for our 10 man group. Raiding Mon - Wed, 8:30 - 11:00pm

A holy priest or resto druid would be ideal.

We focus on 10 man raiding content with end game goals in mind. We strive to maintain a small functional guild with the minimum number of players required to sustain raid progression. Our size gives us the advantage of raiding with the same ten dependable people every raid night, and allows us to have very simple loot rules such as open rolls for main spec.

If you would like to be part of a static raid group that prides itself on the attendance, dedication and the skill of their raiders then send a message to carmeny.
Edited by Carmeny on 5/9/2011 12:55 PM PDT
85 Draenei Hunter
The healing slot has been filled, but we are still on the lookout for a DPS.
Edited by Carmeny on 4/28/2011 11:25 PM PDT
94 Night Elf Priest
Can keyturners apply?
85 Worgen Druid
Imbued! <3

Hmm, I been considering trying to find some fun raid timesss.. hmm. I should stop being lazy and gear up my drood and DK. ARG.. being lazy! Must. Stop! I'm missing out on fun opportunities :(
94 Night Elf Priest
Haiiii! <3 Stop being lazy!!
85 Draenei Hunter
Hah, well I have no issues with keyturners. At least we know they were trying to get out of the fire.
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