[A] The Chop Squad (Rated Battlegrounds)

85 Blood Elf Priest
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85 Human Warrior
04/28/2011 01:45 AMPosted by Jantharria

Roll a gnome and smoke it? <_<
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85 Human Warrior
Wtb participation and people interested in getting things done. <_<
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85 Worgen Druid
Oh how I remember Macbride back in BC, when we was all leveling in Nagrand!

Glad to see some old names still exist <3
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Well I have a mage in 100% vicious, and a H. Pally in full pve epics with about 4 vicious thrown in when I do arenas, and a ton of pre-made experience. IDK how much you know about fundamental and advanced bg strategy, but if you have a decent team, I can help.
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85 Human Rogue
I myslef lead a team everyday at 6:30 pm server, if anyone wants i can put you on the sub list----we currently are 1200+ one of ours recently hit 1500 i belive.
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85 Human Warrior
@ Balian: On all honestly. I'm open to opinions on how things should work in certain BG's. I also have tons of experience under my bag (I Pvp for morning coffee), and know all the fundamentals for specific BG's.

But like I said, I'm open to crazy ideas if it's a winning formula. Right now? We don't even have a solid core team and my motherboard gone crazy two hours before I'm supposed to lead a team this Friday Night. I'm currently trying everything from scratch, but we're on a very snail-like phase to be honest.

@Arch: We'll see what I can do first.
Edited by Gottfried on 5/6/2011 11:12 PM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
Oh, and I nominate this for Der Chop Squad main theme:

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85 Night Elf Death Knight
So if we go boom chicky boom, will we be able outwit the Horde?
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85 Human Warrior
05/07/2011 05:02 AMPosted by Aeralynn
So if we go boom chicky boom, will we be able outwit the Horde?

Of course!
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85 Human Warrior
I've been missing a few weeks, and I'll be updating on why.

I've had hard times in the game and a whole bunch of people to apologise to due to my ugly side romping about uncontrolled. While this might make me sound like I need asylum theraphy, I took the lieu to finish all RL works and I'm now currently in process of my exam week.

Even so, due to minimal interests and the rather minimal participation, plus my lacking time and management skills. I regret to inform to the expecting players that I'm no longer in the position to run/lead/bark orders for Rated BG's.

Heck, I'm not sure when I'll return to WoW. I've made select individuals upset on certain things, and I'd rather not talk about it here. In the meantime though, I thank you to players who've participated in the very few games we did together, plus group BG sessions. We've had a blast despite minimal participation.

Thank you for you time, commitment, and patience.
Edited by Gottfried on 6/13/2011 2:47 PM PDT
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9 Tauren Warrior
04/28/2011 01:53 AMPosted by Gottfried

Roll a gnome and smoke it? <_<
Right on.
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