[A] The Chop Squad (Rated Battlegrounds)

85 Human Warrior
Good Day, folks! I would like to share with you guys that us Alliance have this Rated Battlegrounds group up and running and we call ourselves: The Chop Squad

I know alot of people seem frustrated with the general Alliance Pvp playerbase, but a select few DO dedicate themselves sorely to Pvp-ing but decided to remain in this server. Why? Simple, you guys have more than a reason to call this place your home despite all the shortcomings.

Backwater server or not, we're well aware that we have our own pace and we're not trying to compete with other servers in any form whatsoever. We're our own people just trying to have a darn bloody good time while paying our subscription.

One form of that entertainment is, of course. Pvp.

The Chop Squad is a collection of players with such interests but we fall short after our first two victories (and a single loss) due to lack of participation.

We're currently looking for a core team to fill in our 10 man groups. When we're done with it, we'll be moving foward to 15 man groups.

Should the interests grow larger, we'll of course quickly move to 15 man groups.

Keep it in mind we're not hardcore Pvp'ers and we're just a bunch of people trying to have a good time while bashing pixelated skulls, but that doesn't mean we're staying there. Nothing will give me a smile more than giving the first 15 man team of Grand Marshall's wrecking havoc in Battlegrounds under the banner of Sisters of Elune. (Oh Yes, We Can. No such thing as impossible. Not on my face).

The first step is of course, participation.

Join our in-game channel @ /join TheChopSquad

Currently looking for: Everything.
Edited by Gottfried on 4/23/2011 4:05 AM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
Hrm..... Not a single interest? x.X

But...but....We give out free sauerkrauts!!!
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85 Human Warrior
We do stuff's.

Dat's right.

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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I tried you out once, but was quickly discarded as I seemed to be a disadvantage since I don't use Ventrilo. No offense, but last I checked, the back of the WoW box didn't say "Ventrilo is required to play this game."
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85 Human Warrior
04/24/2011 05:06 AMPosted by Aeralynn
I tried you out once, but was quickly discarded as I seemed to be a disadvantage since I don't use Ventrilo. No offense, but last I checked, the back of the WoW box didn't say "Ventrilo is required to play this game."

Ventrilo helps alot since I'd rather be screaming things than typing things. x.X

But now that I think about it, heck....You still faeshroll even without vent.


-slaps self a couple of times-

K, come jump into the bandwagon. You don't have to use vent, but you must bring brownies from now on.
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85 Human Rogue
I'd love to duel you guys, I have dueled most of the PvPers on this realm but i don't think I have dueled you guys. Wanna duel some time?(free wins i fail at PvP).
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
04/24/2011 05:40 PMPosted by Aeviercy
you're going to be at a significant disadvantage

Exactly what was said when I offered my assistance the first time. *shrugs* Whatever, I'll just pass. If I'm already on disagreeable terms with even just one person, then that's just paving the way for further frustration and ultimately a deal-breaker if we happen to lose <oh, we could've won if Aera had vent.>

People tend to bring up the vent-card and the addon-card and whatever else when I inquire about raiding or pvp. I respond, "I'm happy playing the way I do." And them, "So... you're happy knowing that you suck and won't be as good as others?" Right...

I might just be digging myself a hole, but this is a forum for open discussions. However, I don't want to make this a battle about anything other than what Gott wanted, that being "pvp". So, I'll just wish you all good luck in your BG's.
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04/23/2011 04:52 PMPosted by Gottfried
We give out free sauerkrauts!!!

Sauerkraut and stuff...?

You had me at Sauerkraut.

(Yes, yes - I realize I am posting on a Horde toon, but Gottfried knows the drill. Faction change happening on my 85 shaman very soon.)
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85 Draenei Shaman
Shamans for the win! I can do rated BG's with you. I can heal or deeps, whichever you prefer. I'm currently on the grind for DPS gear to do arena with my boyfriend. But I can grind away healing gear too.
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85 Human Warrior
@ Aera: No, we won't blame you if we lose just because you don't have vent. That's like blaming the Chinaman just because he's Chinese.

@Anainn: Right now, we could use an Ench Shammy~


Bumping dis thread for justice.
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04/26/2011 11:38 AMPosted by Gottfried
@Anainn: Right now, we could use an Ench Shammy~

Not to nitpick here, but I promise my balding, male dwarf will be very enchanting.

If you are into that.

If you want Enhancement, I'd have to re-gear a bit.
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90 Human Warrior
Let me know what your schedule is please. I would like to give this a go, and I have some friends who would like to play also.
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85 Human Warrior
@Rongar: Be as enchanting as you can be. -thumbs up-

@Macbride: Brah, right now we don't have a set schedule. May I know when you and your friends are free first?
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