Chaos Orb Protocol

100 Dwarf Paladin

I am looking to get an Elementium Stormshield crafted. I have all the materials except of course the orb. I was wondering if there is an accepted procedure for getting things made with BoP materials. I asked in Trade, but got no reply. Thank you.
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90 Human Hunter
Because it's BoP, at this moment should you ran a PuG no one would /nerdrage at you for needing on Chaos Orbs because it's perfectly understandable.

Other than that, there're no actual protocols in terms of posession of Chaos Orbs.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior

I am looking to get an Elementium Stormshield crafted. I have all the materials except of course the orb. I was wondering if there is an accepted procedure for getting things made with BoP materials. I asked in Trade, but got no reply. Thank you.

At least Horde side we sell the Orb use for a price. These days they run 300-400 gold each. The gold is included with any sort of tip you may wish to offer, and is due of course upon completion of the item you are getting made.

Not sure how Alliance does it, but that's how the red team makes it happen.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
Byrond and Skies, thank you for your replies.
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90 Human Paladin
I realize this is a late reply (you already have the shield) but I was just wondering what your other profession is...? I see you're a JC - which is good - but if you're still mining, I would suggest dropping it (give it to an alt) and pick up either engineering or blacksmithing. This will give you extra bonuses plus you'll be able to craft your own gear in the long run (which is always better than paying AH prices for things.) Mining does nothing for Holy Paladins - pick a second profession that will ultimately make you a better healer/tank.
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