HEY! Alliance Tank or Healer? Get some!

85 Draenei Shaman
Guess the name says it all or most of it. We are looking for a Tank/Offtank and a Healer that can do the job well and wants to progress. I don't know what else to do about recruiting on this server, but we aren't playin around. Think about this for a sec:

We started recruiting as a reformed guild on March 7th and in that short time have gotten to a consistent raid that is one of the top in progression for Alliance (currently 3rd among Alliance guilds).

So... What can I offer you? An easier question would be "What do you want?":

  • Do you want little to no loot competition? Easy.
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  • Do you want a good group of people to be a part of that will make you want to keep coming back to the game? Done.
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  • Do you want a great environment to kill things in with no yelling, no loot council BS, where you always know where you stand? Right here.
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  • Want to make gold while you raid, get the best gear available and have fun doing it? Got you covered, its what we're all about.

  • We are gettin stuff done. Want to be a part of it? Contact me.

    Edited by Titan on 5/11/2011 3:57 PM PDT
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    85 Draenei Shaman
    Still looking for a great off tank for raiding. Don't care how you're geared, we can fix any and all of those issues. Can you raid Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 7pm to 10pm consistently? If so, get in touch with me.
    Edited by Titan on 4/28/2011 12:29 AM PDT
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    85 Night Elf Druid
    Anyone know a good tank?
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    85 Draenei Shaman
    No good tanks on Alliance side eh?
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    85 Night Elf Death Knight
    I used to PuG random heroics for awhile (before I got any tier gear or raid epics) and recieved such comments as:

    "Bad @$$ tank!" (Heroic deadmines after I solo'd Cookie from 50%)
    "You F'ing Rock!" (Heroic SFK after I solo'd Baron Mixmaster from 50%)
    "Don't worry about CCing these pulls. You hold aggro, I'll keep you up." (Heroic Tol'vir)

    And of course being a tank at level 68 with 20k health unbuffed says something about me back in my learning phase. I did some BG's at 69 too with over 21k and this one person said, "You do know that after 15k health it doesn't matter, right?" Ok you're right, I shouldn't have high health while engaging in open combat with 10 enemies. You have fun in the graveyard though. *laughs*

    So... I guess I <might> be a good tank on Alliance side, but I try to not let it go to my head. I learn something new every day and I'm always refining my strategies and tactics for different group situations. And even I fall down sometimes and I ask myself "Jeez do I suck or something?" but it happens with new dungeons (ZA & ZG).

    However, I am enjoying my time and progression with my guild <WoE> and I hope to see them further into the current and future content. If I come across any other tanks who might be of decent quality, I'll send them your way. Good luck with your raids and finding a meat shield. /salute
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    85 Draenei Shaman
    Cool, I'd appreciate any decent tanks you can send our way, Aeralynn. We've got a great opportunity for one, but have yet to hear from anyone that might be able to fill the role. I guess for clarity, I wasn't doubting there are any great tanks at all on the Alliance side (I feel we have an amazing talent among us in Dominance), but more were there any available or interested.

    Like I say though, send any prospects over that you may find and know that it is greatly appreciated!
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    85 Draenei Shaman
    Editing to include a Resto Druid/Holy Paladin/Holy Priest... raid loots, you want'm? we got'm! Come'n Get'm!
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    85 Draenei Shaman
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    85 Draenei Shaman
    yes, yes... again I say!
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    85 Dwarf Warrior
    Between school and family, raiding on weeknights or at night is out. If this server would do Sat/Sun morning raids from 10 am to 1, I would be on to raid every weekend. Start raid after breakfast and be done in time to fix lunch. No one loses their nights or weekends to WoW.

    Untill that happens, I guess I just don't get to raid anymore.
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