HEY! Alliance Tank or Healer? Get some!

90 Human Priest
Edited by Penelopae on 5/31/2011 12:26 AM PDT
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85 Draenei Shaman
Yeah, we left for over a year when the server was completely dead due to Naxxramas 2.0 being the only content out and everyone was not only completely geared from it, but absolutely sick of it since it was the 2nd time we'd farmed the place. Our leaving the server was done as a guild vote. We went to play Horde and enjoyed that quite a bit. We came back due to several people missing friends and wanting to play Worgen. So you can stop trying to make me sound like some abandoner. It never has nor will be the case and anyone that's ever been with us for any length of time will tell you that I try my best to keep everyone happy.

Some folks always choose to not transfer or find other things to do, like now many folks went to Rift instead of transferring over recently. I still talk to a great many people that we've raided with for years on a weekly basis and like I said MANY of those in the guild have been in it for years. If I'm such a terrible person, did I brainwash them or something?

Quit trying to derail the thread, or can you not take a hint from the Moderators deleting your posts?
Edited by Titan on 6/1/2011 5:34 AM PDT
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90 Human Priest
More of yer posts were removed than the one or two of mine, yo.

But meh, I am kinda bored now. carryon with yer QQ, sorry to have disturbed ye.
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85 Draenei Shaman
So clueless...

They delete the post that is being moderated and any references/replies to it. Glad to hear that you're shuttin up though!
Edited by Titan on 5/31/2011 3:15 AM PDT
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