I am looking for a horde guild that helps players out and is very social.
Looking for Guild
Hi Mazzluz,
I recommend you check this link for a starting point:
Most guild descriptions there indicate if they are social/raiding/PvP/RP guilds, and how to go about making contact with them. Posters here could probably help guide you better if you can share some additional information: a "social" role playing guild will have a different sense of what being social means than a PvE or Raiding guild.
I recommend you check this link for a starting point:
Most guild descriptions there indicate if they are social/raiding/PvP/RP guilds, and how to go about making contact with them. Posters here could probably help guide you better if you can share some additional information: a "social" role playing guild will have a different sense of what being social means than a PvE or Raiding guild.
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