Making Connections - Breaking the RP Ice

82 Human Rogue
Sometimes the hardest part of being a roleplayer, or doing any kind of collaborative work, is getting your foot in the door and making connections to other people. Believe it or not, it's not as tough as you might think.

Here's a few starting points you might think about when you're trying to get your toon involved with other people.

Look for the similarities between your character and another

I recently got one of my more antisocial characters involved with another (sort of antisocial) character, simply because they're two sin'dorei who share a dislike for their race and its culture. Finding similarities between characters is often a good way to get started when you want to break the ice.

Maybe you read a story on someone's journal, or on the O-boards, or you just rolled a shaman and want to connect your toon's backstory with Rongar's. Send the player you're interested in getting involved with a note and let him or her know something about your character.

(You may get lots of RP personals now, Rongar. If so, I apologize in advance. >.>)

Think about how your character's profession shapes his or her interactions

Does your character have a hobby or a profession, something they'd practice out in the world? This ties in to the street fair idea we've been throwing around. You could be a traveling dragonhawk vendor. A trollish fortuneteller (and yes, we have at least one of those on SoE). Remember, WoW's as rich as the real world, and there are professions of just about every shape and size.

You could also RP a simple city guard, patrolling the streets, as long as you're reasonable about "correcting" other RPers.

In the end, just do it

The best way to break the ice and get involved is just to get out there and RP. It takes guts, but you'll often find that people will surprise you when it comes to responsiveness.

And once you do make connections, keep finding ways to keep them going strong. Keep RPing with people, learning about their toons, and finding ties between your characters. Pretty soon you'll have a friends list or guild roster full of people to whom you can say, "Hey, my troll shaman's heading down to the Echo Isles to investigate the corrupted raptors down there. Anyone else who might be in the area want to RP?"

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
The hardest part for me is nurturing those connections. Mostly because I spend so much time worrying that I won't live up to that person's expectations of me as a writer.

But in the end I've found the best (and simplest) way of showing someone you appreciate them is by simply showing interest in their toon :)
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85 Gnome Mage
04/19/2011 11:49 PMPosted by Kalico
But in the end I've found the best (and simplest) way of showing someone you appreciate them is by simply showing interest in their toon :)

Edited by Nozz on 4/20/2011 3:17 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
The hardest part for me is nurturing those connections. Mostly because I spend so much time worrying that I won't live up to that person's expectations of me as a writer.

But in the end I've found the best (and simplest) way of showing someone you appreciate them is by simply showing interest in their toon :)

I have to say RPers (Hordeside at least; I have no other experience lol) on Sisters of Elune go out of their way to make newcomers feel at home. At least that has been my experience thusfar. I've had people seek me out to RP with me when they notice I'm around doing my thing; as well as people whisper me and say something like "I'm OOC or really busy but 'Hi! I look forward to RPing with you sometime in the future!'" and I've never seen that anywhere else. And that really counts for something. Especially if you're new to the RP community here like I am. :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/20/2011 07:35 AMPosted by Kiuas
I have to say RPers (Hordeside at least; I have no other experience lol) on Sisters of Elune go out of their way to make newcomers feel at home. At least that has been my experience thusfar. I've had people seek me out to RP with me when they notice I'm around doing my thing; as well as people whisper me and say something like "I'm OOC or really busy but 'Hi! I look forward to RPing with you sometime in the future!'" and I've never seen that anywhere else. And that really counts for something. Especially if you're new to the RP community here like I am. :)

Aye! And on that note I'm sorry we haven't had much time to interact yet, I've got a ballilion lil' rp compromises that I've yet to catch up with. Yeah, while some are saying that roleplay is dying on the server, others like me literally have more mini stories and arcs and meetings and events that they can keep up with.

But having too much roleplay is never a bad thing ;)
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
lol I totally agree, I only have one arc going atm but it's an ever-evolving process. Being relatively unknown (OOC & IC lol) makes it a lot easier to interact, unless people are already engaged in which case I usually just observe from afar and don't
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