Festival of the Sun

85 Blood Elf Priest
Welcome one and all.
Let me introduce to you the first big event I plan on hosting, which is known as the Festival of the Sun.
An odd name, you're wondering, I am certain. But do allow me to explain.

The Festival of the Sun is named after our admiration to the glorious sun that rises in the morning and sets in the evening. It grants us hope, and dawns for us many things.
For this reason in particular, we have chosen the blessing of the new door that has opened with the current and most devastating events that Azeroth may have ever seen : The Cataclysm.

Most of you are thinking " How in Light's name is the Cataclysm a blessing!?" Well. Do hear me out ;
With layers upon layers of dirt and grime do come seeds and it is there that underlies stems to plant flowers.
Adventure awaits those with the brave of heart, and the gateway to a new future and new opportunity has arisen.

We celebrate these times not because of this, but we must remain confident and faithful in our own selves.


For those of you who don't know, after a long while of not being here on SoE, I have finally returned , and this is my little way of saying thank you to SoE for being such a wonderful place, and hopefully use this as an opportunity to kick-start my own RP and meet some new people while catching up with old friends as well!

People will also be needed to help with the festivities, such as people to work theatrics or help service people.

If you are interested do tell me, I am Jantharria level 85 priest.

Event is open to both Horde and Alliance, and will be located in Mar'at, Uldum on neutral, monster free ground on March, Friday 13th :)
Edited by Jantharria on 4/29/2011 2:52 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Provided I don't get called into work, I'll be there. :)
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85 Human Warrior
Jan is back and is time to KICK ASS. WHEEEEEE~

Well, y'know what I mean. <_<
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Yes I am back~ Though the only ass getting kicked will be mine. Deathwing is a mighty powerful enemy..THIS WILL TAKE MORE THAN A MERE PARTY TO FIGHT BACK WITH

so yeah uh. Who's going? Should i make a list of what all I'll need for helpers?
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
What is rp? I am unfamiliar with this term.

What can I do to help?


yeah I will helpnahprobablywontokay I"m sold let's do this
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Is the date still to be determined?
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85 Human Paladin
oooh. Sounds awesome. I'm in, if the final date works for me! I'm kinda crazy-busy until mid-May.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
The date is final. May, Friday 13th.
And I knoooow what you're thinking like "AMG THAT'S FRIDAY 13TH D;" ...yeah, was gonna change it then I was like "NEVER!" .
At any rate, I'd love for you all to come~
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85 Human Paladin
Aw. Fridays are bad for me. :( If it goes after 9:30pm server, I'll try to drop by after I get home.
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