What would you take?

85 Blood Elf Warlock
Related to the most recent RP thread here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2416119895

If your character had five minutes or less to grab what they could to escape a potentially deadly situation (provided their loved ones and pets were safe), what would they bring?
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Everything Jan needs is on her.
Though if it's a matter of things in her (nonexistant)home? Definitely her pricey herbs and medicines.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Bells would take her journal, crop, tobacco, her custom-made black leather riding boots with the silver "B"s on the buckles, and the most recent edition of the Boldvalor family portrait she keeps framed on her bedside table.

Genna would take pictures and keepsakes she tucks away in a small box under her bed, her diary, and all the books she keeps on her nightstand.

Char would take her mirror and the Murloc-skin bag Bells had made for her.

Aeo would take his enchanted stuffed ragdoll, "Bluey".
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84 Blood Elf Priest
Avianna: A picture of her deceased husband, her locket, her diary, and that's really it.
Adrinda: Her stuffed kitty 'Binx' or more commonly, 'BinxyJinx' (That one is special to me, Binxy is inspired by my outside cat Binx XD) and her picture of herself and her 'father' (Adopted.)
Feoranorae: Her picture of herself and her boyfriend, her sketchpad (And of course quills and ink...), and her battered toy shark, Swimmy.
Ceralise: Her unnamed stuffed bunny and her fuzzy blanket
Talyriel: His stuffed bear... And like Cera, a fuzzy blanket.
**Cera and Tal are little tiny, so yes. Stuffed animals and blankies. XD**
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Rathic would grab the token given to him by his father when he was a small child. He still wears it around his neck, though, so it's more than likely he'd never have to grab it at all.

Slydebrandt would be like, "oh, a fire." And walk through it. >.>

Devinn would cackle and grab the nearest sin'dorei fire-dousing utensil. If her hands got a little grubby or she got some burns, she'd be prouder for it. XD
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Kylea would take her shoes.

Siara would take the quiver her Gen gen gave her along with her bow. She'd also make sure the ring is safely on Gen gen's finger before abandoning the house.

Mordua would grab her assortment of critters as well as bananas.
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85 Gnome Mage
Nozz would grab her journal. And maybe that jar with her real eye.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Bells would take her...<snip> custom-made black leather riding boots with the silver "B"s on the buckles...

06/16/2011 07:43 AMPosted by Kalico
Kylea would take her shoes.

I'm sensing a trend with the Boldvalors. >_>
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13 Troll Hunter
Nothing at all. Time is of the essence!

... ok, possibly a handful of home-made rat jerky.
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20 Human Rogue
Her knives, her good boots, a black cloth bag, some "Smell Pretty Oil", and possibly some rope. Depending on what she remembered. She would not forget her knives or her smell pretty oil.
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14 Dwarf Rogue
Her journal, a quill, some ink, a sharpening stone, cloth for bandages, and whatever food she could grab in a hurry. Probably some sausages and/or a hunk of ham.

Her ring, she wears around her neck, so it would go with her also.
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5 Human Priest
A handful of coffee beans, his hair, his monocle, his gold-tipped swordcane. Whatever clothing is at hand which he can use to escape notice. A pen and ink.
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32 Human Priest
Her fishing rod, her sushi knife, a skin for water, her journal. Her brother's tinder box, long since empty. Needle and thread.
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85 Draenei Paladin
For Aelune? Her armor. That's really all she has anyways.
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85 Human Paladin
Daphne: her lucky fishing pole and hat, the shield Aldheim gave her as a gift, her journal and letters, her gardening tools (also a gift from Aldheim), and her armor. Next she'd want to grab her midsummer festival dress, but at that point she'd be out of time and would have to leave without it.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Hiccup keeps pretty much everything important to her on her. She doesn't exactly have a permanent home for a lot of possessions.

Toph would take her engineering satchel, her swords and everything else important she carries on her anyways [pictures, jewelry, etc.].

...I tend to play my characters as wanderers. What they always have is all that really matters to them XD
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