Hey guys i srsly need some duels( not ment for trolling so please dont troll) I havnt had a duel in 2 days, and I advirtase constatly in trade chat, please duel me!
I need the practice.
I did go to a PVP server came back cuz i missed my friends adn family ( dad and real life friends play here) and i like PVP so i might as well try and do it.
Well best of luck gearing him/her up I know youll be great at PVP.
I'm always at the frost gates of org( i don't think they like it but ya).
i may be wrong but im pretty sure this isnt the server your looking for =P
"These are not the droids you are looking for" /jedi
Yes, eatspie it is me fely or felydar. Ya you did destroy me in duels and PVP in general, but i will gladly duel you again. Good luck bro.
05/12/2011 02:24 PMPosted by ArchileuisYes, eatspie it is me fely or felydar. Ya you did destroy me in duels and PVP in general, but i will gladly duel you again. Good luck bro.
No offense but... you really didn't make it that hard to figure out >.>
you could try battlegrounds? It isn't really one on one practice, but it is pvp practice and it would be better than nothing if you can't find enough people to duel with.
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