The Wrath of Addiction is Recruiting Raiders

The Wrath Of Addiction is a level 17 community driven guild that prides itself on friendly, good-natured and respectful attitude of it's members. We are currently recruiting new members to fill specific roles in our Core Raid Group. It is our intention to continue our progression of 10 man Cataclysm Raids, which we currently run on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 8pm to 11pm CT on the Sisters of Elune server. We expect our raiders to attend raids, however we understand things come up and will always work with individuals on that.

Our loot system is a very simple one Main Spec, one Spec per week system. If an item is not claimed by anyone, it can be defaulted to those who need it. Additionally, unclaimed items are instantly sharded and the shards are distributed by rolls.

As of this time, our most pressing need is for more Healers and Ranged DPS. Our current raids are being made possible by Hybrid class raiders off-specked to Heal, and it is exactly this attitude of willingness to help the greater good, that we are looking for in all our raiders. This is a chance to be a part of the new foundation of our raiding group, to learn and progress through Cata raid content with people who take progression seriously but who also want to enjoy themselves.

Our candidates should be willing to learn the encounter mechanics as we progress and should understand wiping is a normal part of raid progression provided we are learning something. Raid/situational awareness is prioritized by our group as we do not always rely on walkthrough strategies, but adapt strategies to fit our raid composition. We expect that individuals put time and effort into researching their class and spec to ensure they will be an asset to the group.

Our current needs in priority:

1) Druid
2) Shaman
3) Paladin
4) Priest

Ranged Dps:
1) Warlock
2) Druid
3) Mage
4) Hunter

Unfortunately, we are somewhat saturated with melee dps and tanking characters, and are not looking to fill those positions.

To be considered for a raiding position, applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:
• Average Gear Score of 346.
• Ranged DPS will be expected to generate a minimum of 10k DPS.
• Willingness to improve performance through research of spec & gear.
• Be available for both raid times.
• Be willing to spend resources to improve gear.

If interested please contact our Recruitment Officer - Sacoche at: with your Character name and the server on which they can be found. You can add a bit of personal information to as well. We will send out a small questionnaire to the players we are interested in recruiting.

Thank you,

The Wrath Of Addiction
- Recruitment Officer: Sacoche
- Guild Leader: Nightwrath
- Officer: Zoccola
- Officer: Aeicor
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90 Undead Priest
Shameless bump for visibility.
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