Once again..


90 Blood Elf Warrior
Ok... once again another thread was taken down, you know the one that was called <Really,again!>.. I don't understand whats going on, I would however like to know just what I said in that one to have it taken down....

Why am I not allowed a voice?
90 Blood Elf Paladin
You are allowed a voice. So long as that voice is within the rules and guidelines for posting on these boards.

If you have any doubts, feel free to contact Blizzard:
To contest forum penalties or submit "sticky" requests, please email wowreportedpost@blizzard.com

You can find the guidelines here: http://us.battle.net/en/community/conduct

But alas, threads like these aren't allowed. You're more than welcomed to e-mail them about it though.
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