Looking for a playing partner...

No no no.. not sex partner.. get those minds up outta the sewer and into the gutter at least!

Im simply tired of playing and questing all by myself in WoW.

Im looking to find someone willing to run around questing, running dungeons and generally converse with another bored WoW player.

You do not have to be perfect player.. hell Im not. All I ask for is manners and a decent amount of maturity. Im simply tired of the overwhelming immaturity being shown in game by those that think just they are behind a screen that manners and maturity are out the window.

I can play just about any time of the day. Heck, I even have other toons I'd be willing to play.

Interested? Send me an in game mail or find me when online.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
If you are mainly interested in things like questing & achievements, I would invite you to <Shadows End>. We are a great bunch, level 15 guild. Very chatty. We are all mostly working adults so the majority of guild activity is in the evenings. We do random dungeons and heroics but have no plans to be a raiding guild (social or otherwise). And we have cookies!

If you don't feel like moving guilds, I understand, I'm still always glad to have someone to quest with. Currently I am doing TB/Therazine dailies and then if I have time a quick run of H. Setthek (will I EVER get that stupid Raven?). If there are enough interested guildies on I will do a reg or H. random, or I may just go fishing or dig in the dirt. So if this sounds like something that would mesh with your play style give me a whisper in game. =)
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85 Draenei Shaman
Oh my goodness.. This poor posting is old enough I forgot it even existed. Sorry Lumenaria.... I went to the dark side. Well I still do most things solo my new guild does more together, I do appreciate that you found and read and even more so responded to my thread.
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