can't seem to find any. Ill pay 200g for each. find me a lvl 85 dwarf warlock and ask them or whatever to let me get 1 honorable kill on them. It can be your alt or whatever.
paying to find a lvl 85 dwarf warlock & Mage
I know of both a dwarf mage and dwarf warlock, however I think they are on vacation. Their Horde toons are in my guild, once they get back I'll let them know of your business. :P
Ditto here, War Kittens, thanks to our shaman Uglask, is only missing that elusive dwarf warlock and I too am willing to pay 200 gold for that honorable kill. No spitting, only hugs offered.
My guild also needs the Dwarf Mage and Warlock. Considering trying to form a raid for IF and SW just to try to scare them up.
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