LF participents for huge RP event.

85 Human Rogue
So I think it's about time something exciting happens on SoE as far as RP goes.

I'm putting together a huge event and looking for druids specifically.

My idea is gonna take quite a bit of practice and time and looking for players who are dedicated and wanna do something fun and different that the realm wont forget.

If you're interested you can PST me in game on either Killermusic or Chellerson...you will be sent calander invites and what not for practice.

I'm gonna need some players besides druids..but mostly druids.

Hope to hear from ya <3.

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85 Draenei Shaman
Bump of support for RP events!

Also, if you need a friendly space goat, I'm here!

Good luck with the event!
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85 Human Rogue
Haha, thanks! if ya know any droooodz please let them know though!
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85 Night Elf Druid
Drooooods? What you be planning with them? :O

I am actually in the first stages of looking into an all druid event currently, was wondering if there was some overlap! I'll post more when I get it all sorted, but in the meantime if you wanna drop me a line - I am always up for hearing new rp ideas!
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