Elementium Poleaxe Question

85 Night Elf Druid
Hi All!

I am hoping to get myself an Elementium Poleaxe at some point. It requires 5 hardened Elementium, 6 Truegold and 3 Chaos Orbs.

I was wondering, how much would be the fair price for the crafting and the orbs providing I supply the other mats ? I'm just trying to figure out what I need to aim for money wise.


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85 Night Elf Druid
100-200 gold for the orbs depending on your server. Another 100 gold or so for crafting. You can probably negotiate crafting fees and orbs for 400-500 gold.
Edited by Sorelai on 5/12/2011 11:11 AM PDT
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85 Night Elf Druid
Thanks! That would be doable. I can come by the rest slowly :)
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85 Tauren Druid
Honestly it's not worth it. None of the blues that require multiple chaos orbs are. Just grab yourself a Lost City polearm.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Not worth it? >NOT WORTH IT?!< D: Of course it is! It's a scythe... and it's... PURPLE! How is that not awesome? I used one for awhile and called it my Purple People Eater. I would definately invest in one just for the appearance. Or wait... do people even care how their characters look? I'm not wierd am I? *shifty eyes*
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