[A] Higher Learning

85 Night Elf Mage
I'm shooting for the achievement Higher Learning. This is the one in Dalaran with the 8 books to be read.

I was wondering if we already have a chat channel such as 'Bookclub' to help others who want to complete this. If not, I'd like to start one. The channel would be used for letting others know if a book is present, or to share spawn times. This would make it easier to track books, since it's a 3-4 hour respawn on these.

From Wowpedia: As a courtesy to others in the bookclub channel, make an announcement if you spot a book, whether real or fake. Real ones will allow others to come to your location, while fake ones will help them update their timers. Make sure to give the location, as well as whether the book is real or not (for example, "Violet Gate REAL book now up!" or "Violet Gate fake book spawned 11:00am server time"). Optionally, make an announcement for real books in the General channel (such as "School of Arcane Magic book in Violet Gate portal room up NOW for the next couple of minutes").

Thoughts/suggestions/opinions? Anyone willing to help out? Let me know!

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I pop over there on lil' binges, I'll be sure to let you know if I see any of them come up :)
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Sari, I'm actually trying to get this, too. I swing by Dalaran every day, but have yet to find a single one of these books in any of the buildings. If I do see one, I'll let ya know.
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Of all the achievements (other than the raid achievements) this one has been the toughest for me. I think I have one whole book on my main. There used to be a working add-on, but sadly no more.

If anyone else is doing this, here is a handy-dandy guide:

If you like your guide to be a bit more "multi-media", here is a youtube video guide:

The one book I was fortunate to find was announced in basic Trade chat. My old server had a /bookclub chat channel, but no one knew about it and it was never used.

All for the elusive Kirin Tor Familiar...
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100 Undead Warlock
All the books spawn on a server restart, so if you're online tomorrow morning when ours does it's rolling restart, log in as soon as it comes up and all the books will be spawned. They may not be the actual books and just be the filler, but it's better than not spawning at all. ;)

Do not shy from dark paths... if those paths lead to victory -Apothecary Zamah
Proud owner of 166 non-combat pets.
Edited by Khevyn on 5/16/2011 8:06 PM PDT
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