[H] Almost Motivated - 7/13 H - Recruiting

85 Blood Elf Paladin
Almost Motivated is looking for a few exceptional players to join us in The Firelands! This patch should hit within the next 2 weeks.

Looking for:

- 1 Holy/Disc Priest or Resto Shaman
- 1 Rogue and/or Boomkin

Minimum Raiding Criteria:

- Average gear level: 346 (min) (anything higher is a bonus)
- Fully enchanted and gemmed.
- Ability to uphold a minimum of 75% raiding attendance (3 out of 4 raids).

Almost Motivated – Who We Are:

- Realm: Sisters of Elune
- Faction: Horde
- 10-man raiding guild – 3 days / week
- Currently 12/12 Regular, 7/13 Hard Mode
- Raids are three times per week for a total of 10 hours.
o Tuesdays 7:45 pm – 11:00 pm EST
o Thursdays 7:45 pm – 11:00 pm EST
o Sundays 6:45 pm – 11:00 pm EST
o Raids start at 8pm sharp (7pm on Sundays). Raiders are required to be raid-ready 15 minutes before raid start.
- Mature personnel, aged between 30-45. Most with active family lives.
- No DKP system.
- Targeted roster size: 14 raiders.
- Repairs, Food, Pots and Flasks are supplied if you make the cut.

Check all drama at the door. We, very truthfully, will not put up with it.

Please contact me in game if interested. We look forward to killing Rag with ya!

Edited by Arat on 6/13/2011 10:22 AM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
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