For the people and haters that hate, I stand by no one, only thing I stand by is the weak and the helpless and help them because when I am weak and helpless I need a light at the end of the tunnel too. Peace peoples rawr!
I'm weak and helpless, won't you stand by me.... ooooh stand.... by me.... wont you stand... stand by me >.>
Oooh daaaarling daaarling
By meeeeee
staaaaand by meeee
Hai, I'm a bunneh.
By meeeeee
staaaaand by meeee
Hai, I'm a bunneh.
I got your back ice and i <3 u aiona. BTW eatspie yes I was and dude i was good till i got coacky trust me you don't wanna go down that path bro. peace RAWR!
85 Worgen Warrior
I feel the need to post. Not because I have anything constructive to add but I feel like being social. Oh and I heard somone singing stand by me. That was a great movie. Anywho see you in game... or will I?
idk galodwrand I am a rogue... >.> <.<
BTW school is out hordies so I'm comming hard. RAWR! get ready.
The mark of a truly great player is good sportsmanship.
At Wimbledon, after a world-class set, the players approach the net, win or lose, and shake their opponents hand.
Michael Jordon never t-bagged another player on the court. Richard Petty never logged into someone else's Vent to scream and yell like a spoiled child.
Persons such as Michael Jordan will be remembered into immortality, where Mike Tyson will fade into obscurity, never achieving greatness.
Which type of player do you really want to be known as? That is the question.
Humbleness, good sportsmanship, and earning respect from others for being a great person as well as a great player are lasting, positive influences that a player can impart into this game environemnt. To value these sorts of things is the difference between being some annoyance at best, and being a truly great and respected player in this game.
We can't all be Legends in this game... but we can demonstrate the values of a Legend through our interactions and the way we treat others, including our opponents.
Thank you for considering my words,
- Penelopae, Leader of Zen
At Wimbledon, after a world-class set, the players approach the net, win or lose, and shake their opponents hand.
Michael Jordon never t-bagged another player on the court. Richard Petty never logged into someone else's Vent to scream and yell like a spoiled child.
Persons such as Michael Jordan will be remembered into immortality, where Mike Tyson will fade into obscurity, never achieving greatness.
Which type of player do you really want to be known as? That is the question.
Humbleness, good sportsmanship, and earning respect from others for being a great person as well as a great player are lasting, positive influences that a player can impart into this game environemnt. To value these sorts of things is the difference between being some annoyance at best, and being a truly great and respected player in this game.
We can't all be Legends in this game... but we can demonstrate the values of a Legend through our interactions and the way we treat others, including our opponents.
Thank you for considering my words,
- Penelopae, Leader of Zen
^ Wise words, listen too them and they well help you. rawr!
I did not copy/paste this from anywhere, these are my own words.
This is merely part of our standard philosophy in the <Zen> guild.
Consider it inspiration and guidline for our players that participate in PvP events both in battles and open-world. A standard PvP creedo by which we in the <Zen> play.
We value Honor, fairplay, and good sportsmanship in our guild.
Honor your enemies, as well as your friends. Players whom cannot understand or abide by honor are generally removed from our guild. In other words, get caught t-bagging opponents, /spit on a player, or griefing Horde players over PvP, will generally result in removal from our roster.
We our very proud of our PvP sector, the PvP players in our guild are plenty good without having to stoop to such low tactics as invading another guild's Vent or harrassing other players.
Thanks for asking,
- Penelopae
This is merely part of our standard philosophy in the <Zen> guild.
Consider it inspiration and guidline for our players that participate in PvP events both in battles and open-world. A standard PvP creedo by which we in the <Zen> play.
We value Honor, fairplay, and good sportsmanship in our guild.
Honor your enemies, as well as your friends. Players whom cannot understand or abide by honor are generally removed from our guild. In other words, get caught t-bagging opponents, /spit on a player, or griefing Horde players over PvP, will generally result in removal from our roster.
We our very proud of our PvP sector, the PvP players in our guild are plenty good without having to stoop to such low tactics as invading another guild's Vent or harrassing other players.
Thanks for asking,
- Penelopae
Please report any Code of Conduct violations, including:
Threats of violence. We take these seriously and will alert the proper authorities.
Posts containing personal information about other players. This includes physical addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and inappropriate photos and/or videos.
Harassing or discriminatory language. This will not be tolerated.