Is he really about to post another thread!?

90 Blood Elf Warrior
Well the answer to that would be Fel-yeah! I've been putting a little moe time in effort into gearing up my Death knight tank (Bakun), and role playing with a few people on toons besides Tel (Which really has kept me BUSY) to really get on here, not that I don't enjoy reading what everyone posts on here, just it slips my mind, and then I regret it :).

Well as I do in most my Threads I'll tell you how it's been. I've as I said been role playing with quite a few people, and have had some walk up role plays that was so unexpected I was at a loss for words at times, and it makes me laugh now that I think about it. I mean honestly the server is starting to gain its community back, and I'm enjoying every momment of it.

No real issues to rant about... I KNOW I'm UPSET TOO! I know how much you all love to read me whine about every little thing. So to make up for it I guess I'll just have to find something that upsets me, and come here first thing and rant, and rant about it! ( Getting hard, there is not really anything to whine about. :3) I've always been trying to get guild rep up on my priest, doing dalies, but it gets to be a bore, and I've slipped for a few days, and have not done so, I'm so close to the heirlooms for my warlock I can feel the boost of xp!

So my break is over, since I was more or less not role palying for a while, and started back a day or two ago, as I said wasn't a long break, things worked out ALOT sooner then expected, which is always a good thing, eh? Since I'm on that subject I hope things are well for anyone and everyone who reads this, and I've also noticed something else.. that made me a little sad; WHATS UP WITH THE LACK OF STUFF TO READ ON HERE!? It's a little unsettling, I know not to many read these forums, but I would still enjoy a good reading.

Well I guess I don't want to drag this out to much longer, so I'll end it on this note. The server is getting better so is the role paly, and its thanks to the community, and keep in mind, that no one person can make or break a server, its a joint effort, and if things are not going your way, don't try looking around for someone to blame (Like I do hehe.. ) make it better, shuffle the cards and just play a diffrent game!

The ranting, green, happy Warrior: Telarian Silverwind.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Imma say it... its role-play! No pallies... wait... >> alright maybe pallies!


Glad to hear it worked out for you!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Thanks, I find things do most of the time work out for me pretty well most times, but besides that I am enjoying the game, still working on building rep for my head Heriloom, and back. Missed doing my dalies, and today... let me tell you I didn't put my tabard on that gives 50% more guild rep per quest, and I was just like -_- /rage-log. Hehe!

Once again I've been enjoying a flow of Rp, quite enjoying it indeed.. but my day was a little umm... darkened when I was asked '' Hey, you wanna come to WRA with me? '' Just when the server is starting to pick back up, someone trys to ask me that, and I guess I felt a little insulted at the time, because I just responded, and didn't ty to keep up a conversation with this person again.

Nothing else really happend today, just normal rp, and alt jumping, and other things that I won't bore you all with. I know my posts are a little all over the place, but if I stick to one thing for to long I'll just go on and on, and on... forever.. * After a while of nothing his voice comes back to life * And ever! So bare with me when you read what I write, and don't judge it to badly, and remeber a word of advice: When you point a finger, you have three pointing back at you!

The pleased Warrior-Telarian Silverwind
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22 Blood Elf Paladin
Edited by Telarian on 6/5/2011 9:22 PM PDT
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