Ace, Ace is a great name for a black lab.
Contest brought to you by The AFE.
you sir are racist
Contest is closing in 2 hours! Get your submissions in, A Winner will be announced today by 6 PM server!
Bonechewer. As in the Orcs.
Edited by Mcjimothy on 6/4/2011 2:55 PM PDT
I like to lean towards slightly unigue names that stand out as far as pets as for real life and in game. In RL my two dogs are Apophis and Cairo. But in digging around Wowwiki I cam across a Troll priestess that would be a nice name would be fitting for male or female.
High Priestess Mar'li who served the Primal God Shadra or The God Spider.
It holds a bit darker lore and still fun.
High Priestess Mar'li who served the Primal God Shadra or The God Spider.
It holds a bit darker lore and still fun.
Edited by Nåitiri on 6/4/2011 2:58 PM PDT
Then I'd go with Nekros.
Edited by Mcjimothy on 6/4/2011 3:07 PM PDT
Greymane, King of Gilneas! (Also the optional middle name Genn)
Edited by Liinii on 6/4/2011 3:40 PM PDT
The winner of this contest was Naitiri with the name Mar'li! I love it. She was awarded 5000g!
I know it's a different spelling but the last time there was a dog named Marley things didnt work out too well for the dog.
06/05/2011 07:50 AMPosted by HanzimareI know it's a different spelling but the last time there was a dog named Marley things didnt work out too well for the dog.
Good thing it's different spelling then eh? ;)
06/05/2011 08:00 AMPosted by NozzThe winner of this contest was Naitiri with the name Mar'li! I love it. She was awarded 5000g!
Woot, congratulations! It's a good name ^_^
I think so too!
I feel it is appropriate that you all get to see the little guy that you all helped name =)
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