Contest brought to you by The AFE.

85 Blood Elf Paladin
Bonjour Sister's of Elune,

I am Aniecheres. A Paladin of <Illumination> and the Argent Dawn.

I am new to this server for the most part, been here a few months. I hail from Lethon originally, spent the last 6 years there, and it is still my primary server for my business ventures. However, I have made some excellent friends over here on Sister's of Elune, The Guild <Illumination> When I Transferred here they were known as Illusion's of Grandeur, a majority of their members branched off and formed our own guild, Together we are building a great place of family and friends.

I want to get to know more of the server though, The only people I know here are in my guild. That is why I'm running this contest.

I recently got a 6 week old Black Lab puppy(Boy), However I cannot come up with a name. Originally I was going to get a Rottie and name it Naxxramas, but that name doesn't seem to fit a Lab to me.

Your Job is to reply to this thread with 1 Name(Per Post) that fits the World of Warcraft universe, and must suit a Black Lab. At the end of a 7 day period starting today (June 4th) I will review all the suggestions in this thread, The winner that I choose will be awarded 5000g On June 4th.

I will also be posting this contest on the Lethon Server Public forums.

It's Great to Meet you Sister's of Elune, We'll talk again.
Edited by Aniecheres on 5/29/2011 9:47 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
Hello and a (late) welcome to the server! Even if you are a blood elf ... *cough*

My vote is for:


Sure, Kyle's a coyote but it's a boy name and it's cute, darn it (hey, every lab I've met has been extremely lovable). Plus, there's a good - if not sad - story behind the quest Kyle is involved in that I think is worth repeating to those who don't know it.

Hope you meet more people, and good luck on choosing a name!
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Thanks for your submission Nozz! I am not a Blood Elf, I am a Troll trapped in a Belf body, kinda like that 3rd gender in thailand, but with different races.
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90 Human Priest
Black Lab, ye says...

Hows about, "Saron".

The root word of Saronite... a metal derived from the Black Blood of Yogg-Saron.

Or... as a Shadow Priest, I am kinda fond of, "Shadow".

Best of luck with the new pooch, no matter what name ye settle upon, and best wishes to you and yours =)
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One of my favorites is Runty.
Not sure it makes for the best puppy name, but... he's trying his best. He hangs out in Blackrock Caverns, so maybe there's your black lab connection.

On another note, if you want to meet a few more RPers, The Broken House hosts a storytelling event every Sunday on the top tier of Thunder Bluff at 7:00 PM server time. Another regular Horde event is Tavern Night at Farstrider Square Inn at 8:30 PM server time (also on Sundays, I believe).
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
How about... Bolvar?

By nature black labs are loyal and obediant, self-sacrificing for their masters' safety and happiness, although perhaps stubborn at times.

The ICC end cinematic redone:

[Bolvar]: Aniecheres!
[Anie]: Bolvar...
[Bolvar]: Place the dog collar on my neck. Forevermore, I will be your pet.
[Anie]: No, I cannot do it.
[Bolvar]: This last act of service, is mine.
<Aniecheres places the collar on Bolvar's neck> DUN DUN DUN!!!

You're a fan of the Argent Dawn-Crusade anyways. Seems like a good fit to me. :)
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh my goodness, You guys are so far making this contest very hard for me to judge, I might just have to bring in additional judges at the end of this. I have to say, I'm looking at both my thread on Lethon and this thread here, and So far you guys are winning Hands down, no competition. Keep it up!
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Also, I have increased the winning Prize to 5000g. Get your guilds involved, I want lotsa good names and the stories behind them. what you guys have been coming up with so far is absolutely awesome.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Ok Ani here goes. I definately think he should be named Chromaggus. As the name suggests (the word chromatic is derived from "khroma", the Greek word for "color", suggesting Chromaggus takes his powers from dragonflights from all colors). So although he technically is a dragonkin he has a very familiar canine appearance (corehound) which leads to the speculation that Nefarian was experimenting on corehounds injecting them with dragon blood from all the different dragonflights. Since the puppy is black which means technically the presence of all colors, the correlation of all the colors of the dragonflights being present in
Chromaggus makes sense :). And you can call him Maggs for short . Great contest and have fun !!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Well, one of our writers over on WoW Insider already has a black puppy and he named her Sylvanas: and

Since she is the dark puppy of the Forsaken, I figured what's another really neat undead that works as a potential foil for Sylvanas, since Sylv seems to be an awfully good name for that puppy so far (although she's not much of a puppy anymore!) And really, there was only one that has had a pretty neat storyline in Cata so far, over in the Western Plaguelands...

Koltira Deathweaver. Or just Koltira. You can call him Kolt for short!
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100 Tauren Paladin
hmmm let me think i would say call it Horuz. that sounds cute to me
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53 Blood Elf Warrior
Saurfang. Fits a dog, and his loyalty to saving his son's soul was something we got to see week, after week, after week, after week... in ICC.
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85 Goblin Rogue
Fenrus (The Devourer)
He's big, he's black and he eats Odin.
Plus you're going to end up paying a ton in dog food, cause what dog doesn't love to devour.
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22 Gnome Rogue
Oh my! I thought Nozz won with Kyle! But Maggs, too! Oh my my my! This will be tough. As for a suggestion? Uhhh.... Oh, bugger, what's the name of the corehound pups in the Blackrock Caverns?

OoooooOOOOOooooohhhhhhh!!!!! Or I just discovered the 'leader' of the corehounds is named Magmadar! Granted, according to the description, corehounds by nature are always chaotic evil, so not sure you wanna give your pup any bad ideas. :P
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85 Tauren Death Knight
Sindergosa or sindy for short
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85 Goblin Death Knight
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Bayne - After the rare spawn in Tirisfal Glades. It's a great name for any dog.
Edited by Jhoira on 5/29/2011 9:48 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
hey folks Sorry for my disappearance, I guess some silly people in trade chat didn't quite learn how to read a post before assuming it's something and reporting it. I recieved a lot of whispers yesterday from a lot of people who obviously weren't reading and just looking at the 2 yellow stars I had in my trade post(To make it pretty!) and the fact that it had a number with "g" behind it and assuming I was a gold a result I was called a lot of terrible things, reported a whole bunch of times and then banned last night from game and forums. I got that all appealed and revoked almost immediately though, A GM looked into it, Agreed with me that people should learn to read something before automatically reporting it, and then Apologized to me for the Mistaken Identity issue.

Having said all that, I am not mad, Just a little disappointed. This contest is still on, I still would very much like to get to know the server, Keep up the fantastic submissions to this thread,

In order to be considered a valid submission your name suggestion must be posted here, Not whispered to me, Not sent to me via ingame mail, It has to be posted in this thread.

Contest closes June 4th, a Winner will be chosen and will receive their winnings that evening In Orgrimmar. If the winner is not available to pick up the prize, it will be ingame mailed to the player.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
I'd go with Remus.
Edited by Álcarious on 5/30/2011 10:36 AM PDT
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