<Illumination> We'll brighten your day.

85 Blood Elf Paladin
<Illumination> Is Recruiting!

Greetings Sister's of Elune,

<Illumination> is a guild of friends and family. We are a mature, Adult guild for the most part, And ask that you be the same.

Our goals are to casually, but effectively run through and clear 10 man raiding content, Once we have enough interested people we would very much like to get the Rated Battlegrounds going, as well we are starting to dip into the Arena.

We are not a new guild, We have very skilled players and Leaders, We are just in the process of expanding our ranks, and as such are looking for people who are above all, Intelligent, Skilled, Mature, and dedicated to Guild progression as a whole in all areas we focus on.

There is no Level requirement, However we are focusing on recruiting people who are ready to get into Cataclysm level raiding/PvP.

We also run weekly pug 25 mans and Faction-wide events for older achievements/titles/mounts, any raid is game. Contact Aniecheres ingame for more information.

Currently our Guild is 5/12, We need a few key roles and people who are reliable, for us to really get going. Progression/Main Raid times are 8 PM servertime and go for 3 hours, Days vary/stagger but are generally Wednesday/Thursday/Monday

Highest Priority recruitment goes to the following: Tanks(Warrior, Druid, Paladin) Healers(Druid, Priest) However all classes and roles are welcome and wanted provided you fit our earlier requirements.

Visit our Guild Website @ http://illumination.mmopost.net Or contact Aniecheres, Kiéri, or Doommkitten/Jacolé ingame for more info or to inquire about our guild.

Thank you Kindly, and here is to a better and more united Server.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Bumpity! We're Actively hunting for new members! Contact us ingame or via forums!
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Up to the top!
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Still actively recruiting, we want to expand our ranks by a huge amount! get involved, come join a great guild full of great people, this is not a temp guild, this is a place to find a new home in.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Bumping for the cause!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Anie - you didn't warn them about the inmates (*cough* members, he told me not to call them that...) and not feeding them after midnight...
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
back to the top.
Edited by Aniecheres on 6/24/2011 3:49 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
again to the top!
Edited by Aniecheres on 6/24/2011 3:49 PM PDT
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