[A] Dream Destroyers needs Sat A.M raiders!

85 Human Death Knight
We are a Lvl 25 guild that is looking to start a Cata raid group for Saturdays at noon server time. Yup, this is kinda early for a Sat group I suppose, but we used to have one, and it was both fun AND productive once we got the same raiders turning up every week, so we would like to get it rollin' again! We would theoretically start at noon and raid until 3pm.

Ideally, we are looking to have the raiders join our guild too, but if anyone wants to run with us first to get a sense of who we are and what we're about, that would be cool too. We are laid-back and fun, but also (relatively?) mature and like to get our work done too, so we appreciate you having the same sensibilities!

We can really use anything but melee DPS (well..maybe ONE melee if you're really good) to get this started, so hit me up here or in game and we can talk more!
Edited by Numerodos on 6/5/2011 5:34 PM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
Not that what I say matters anymore on this server, but these guys have my vote.

Great group of stand-up people. Anyone would do well with them.

Good Luck, Numero. =)
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85 Human Death Knight
Thanks Var. :)
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100 Night Elf Priest
I <3 Dream Destroyers
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85 Night Elf Druid
I've met a lot of people in my time playing wow and I can honnestly say, DD's raiding team are a great bunch of people. They make even frustrating fights fun. There's a lot of good spirited 5man guild runs. The leadership is fair and the officers aren't stuck on themselves. A nice guild to join for raiding or just meeting new folks.
Edited by Daphníe on 7/23/2011 1:31 PM PDT
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