I've had this on a back burner for years.
Sometimes I enjoy roleplaying characters who flat out break lore, mechanics, and/or common sense. Many times, I greatly enjoy participating in off-the-rocker stories in which other players break said stuff. It is a valuable facet of human creativity, called "Fantasy".
I understand that breaking the game in public is bad form and can ruin the game for others. I also understand that guild channels, and created channels, can host all manner of insanity without ruining anyone's game.
What I am imagining is a guild/channel/league-of-guilds which host these extra-creative angles of roleplay. Like an "Adult Channel", only instead of adult content, our content would hurt the mind. We would greet one another's dragons, demons, paladins-turned-mages, etc with tolerance instead of the usual exile. We would also agree that nobody has to participate in anyone's ridiculous story. I also approach this with the concept firmly in mind that -all- of our stories are pretty ridiculous if you actually think about it.
At its worst, this could mean a lycanthropic half-breed Gnome-Draenei-Moonkin (yes, that is 3 halves). At its best, it could mean a cartel of Horde Gnomes; or even better, I've personally seen numerous "impossible" concepts played so well that nobody ever knows any rules got broken, until the data comes out casually OOC. I think the key here is keeping the "impossibly wierd" stuff in the proper chat channels / forum threads, and not expecting every player to participate in any given oddity even in our "Special" channels.
If there is interest in this, I can offer a fair amount of my time helping out with its logistics, and 3 "impossibly wierd" characters of my own which I have honed until they work, and played enough to figure out how to play them well. I briefly inflicted the earliest one (Feithnancean) on the general public... I learned my lesson and have managed to play the other two well enough to not inconvenience the general public. Sometimes they receive better feedback than my "Normals".
My "Normals" (characters who stick purely to lore) are not going anywhere. Dretsherma is still helping out at the Orphanage and meditating under the trees in the Canal District. Of course, she is also still fabricating a goodly quantity of mechanical sheep, which fit perfectly within this game's "Normality" yet manage to be totally wierd anyway.
Sometimes I enjoy roleplaying characters who flat out break lore, mechanics, and/or common sense. Many times, I greatly enjoy participating in off-the-rocker stories in which other players break said stuff. It is a valuable facet of human creativity, called "Fantasy".
I understand that breaking the game in public is bad form and can ruin the game for others. I also understand that guild channels, and created channels, can host all manner of insanity without ruining anyone's game.
What I am imagining is a guild/channel/league-of-guilds which host these extra-creative angles of roleplay. Like an "Adult Channel", only instead of adult content, our content would hurt the mind. We would greet one another's dragons, demons, paladins-turned-mages, etc with tolerance instead of the usual exile. We would also agree that nobody has to participate in anyone's ridiculous story. I also approach this with the concept firmly in mind that -all- of our stories are pretty ridiculous if you actually think about it.
At its worst, this could mean a lycanthropic half-breed Gnome-Draenei-Moonkin (yes, that is 3 halves). At its best, it could mean a cartel of Horde Gnomes; or even better, I've personally seen numerous "impossible" concepts played so well that nobody ever knows any rules got broken, until the data comes out casually OOC. I think the key here is keeping the "impossibly wierd" stuff in the proper chat channels / forum threads, and not expecting every player to participate in any given oddity even in our "Special" channels.
If there is interest in this, I can offer a fair amount of my time helping out with its logistics, and 3 "impossibly wierd" characters of my own which I have honed until they work, and played enough to figure out how to play them well. I briefly inflicted the earliest one (Feithnancean) on the general public... I learned my lesson and have managed to play the other two well enough to not inconvenience the general public. Sometimes they receive better feedback than my "Normals".
My "Normals" (characters who stick purely to lore) are not going anywhere. Dretsherma is still helping out at the Orphanage and meditating under the trees in the Canal District. Of course, she is also still fabricating a goodly quantity of mechanical sheep, which fit perfectly within this game's "Normality" yet manage to be totally wierd anyway.