Happy Friday, SoE

85 Gnome Mage
*conjures donuts and coffee*

Well ... I guess things could be worse. At least I have a partial weekend to look forward to. Hope the rest of you have a good day, or that it at least gets better!

*not-so-discreetly adds Bailey's to her morning coffee*

edit: Testing something >_>
Edited by Nozz on 6/10/2011 1:18 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
*helps herself to a cinnamon-twist*

Happy Friday indeed. I'm going to a wedding rehearsal today in preparation for the big event tomorrow. Should be a fun time.
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Happy Friday!

I'm looking forward to this weekend. The next two are shot with business-related travel.

*happily guzzles coffee*
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14 Dwarf Rogue
Mmmm, Bailey's!

Happy Friday. I'm hoping the weather is good this afternoon while I and a friend do some gardening! Then tomorrow my work week starts again.

If you see Mamo, bear in mind I am probably not in character right now, because I'm too absorbed in the character of my alt Clankingbull. Just can't have dwarves running around acting tauren. Not right.

*approximately one and a half minutes of roleplay with Grik'Nir later*
Scratch thet. Mamo is apparently second nature now. Plus the new flavor text caters directly to her.

She's jist sae glad te see ikkle Teo roight ther in Anvilmar, all growed up now and watchin' o'er the wee bairns! And there she is all canny and sly, chatting up the Soothsayers, taking their measure... Props to Blizz for the current Anvilmar.
Edited by Mamo on 6/10/2011 1:06 PM PDT
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