Player Quiz: Misery

85 Gnome Mage
Since the other thread was bumped, thought I’d post another question inspired by the same source. Here’s a chance to pick on people you know.

If your character was seriously injured and brought to medical attention, what player character would you NOT want to see as your doctor/nurse?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh, that's easy.

The last person I'd want to be in charge of any sort of healing for my other characters?


She can bandage and do light mending, but heavy stuff?

Oooh. No, no. Just... no. o.o
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I don't think anyone would want to be in my hunter's hands.

Siara's not bad at healing, she just has a knack of using a too many bandages.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Y'all are too nice picking on yourselves instead of other player's characters. >.>

I'm sorry Nozz, but if one of my characters woke up with Nozz hovering over them in scrubs, I would totally intervene and get them the HELL out of there.

Aelune would probably be someone they run from themselves. Well, I guess Hiccup wouldn't run, but she'd take over and do it herself - no matter how bad the injuries were.

As for my toons - You wouldn't want Toph in either her horde or alliance incarnation trying to bandage you up ever. If you're not gushing blood and turning white she'll probably tell you to walk it off. <_< Or Lia, she's actually an excellent healer when on her game - but she might forget to stitch you up afterwards.
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85 Night Elf Mage
06/17/2011 09:03 AMPosted by Hiccup
I'm sorry Nozz, but if one of my characters woke up with Nozz hovering over them in scrubs, I would totally intervene and get them the HELL out of there.

Aw, c'mon Hiccup. Nozz just likes to experiment, right? Nothing wrong with that.

I'm still trying to figure out who would scare my toons to the point of saying "Don't touch me. Let me bleed to death."
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100 Orc Warrior
I don't get hurt... but I can understand you Alliance folks contemplating this quite often.

Though I might play hurt just in hopes it'd be Nozz over me in scrubs.... I could really go for some noms.
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85 Dwarf Warrior

Because a Warriors medical practice consists of licking wounds and gnawing off broken limbs.

I'll lick and gnaw my own wounds, thank you.
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85 Gnome Mage
as for this toon wich i dont roleplay as much probably belinor, she would most likely scream like a little schoolgirl

(im playin)

I'm not. Where's the sign up for this?

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85 Gnome Mage
06/21/2011 03:30 PMPosted by Sabertiger
i recall you dying in the plague wing or spider wing (cant remember) and my rogue being an engineer with the gnomish engineering knife revived you and i bet that was a humbling experience since you always advocated your hate for night elves ( back in the old days =P )

Hehe, yeah it was one of Ald's RP raids! And it's not a raid unless I die XD
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