To the Roleplayers.

85 Blood Elf Warlock
Vague question, but one I hope to get answered.

How many of you remain here? I feel like everyone has left to WrA, Moonguard or some other server. I miss the active community. ;-;
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85 Gnome Mage
I can’t speak for Horde, of course. But from my experience, many of the roleplayers I’ve known have either transferred or quit the game entirely. With that said, don’t let the lack of familiar faces deter you from looking. I don’t care what anyone else says, roleplayers do exist here.

SoE’s roleplay environment - like any other server’s, I’m sure – goes through cycles. Right now a lot of players are in seclusion (at least Alliance side), sticking to their groups (fan bases?). People can debate whether that’s right or wrong in another thread; the point is, right now it takes a little digging to find roleplayers … but they are here.

Everyone’s roleplay mileage will vary, of course. It seems like some have a natural ability to find others, while the rest of us have a difficult time finding a character just to say hello to. Also keep in mind summer is coming into full effect, which means more people are off to do stuff under that big burning ball in the sky, and this can make it feel like people are even more scarce to play with.

Regardless, I hope that you’re able to find roleplayers that can help create the kind of environment you’re looking for. It certainly makes for a better game.

Anyway, that’s my tl;dr response for the day :)

Best of luck!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
As far as Horde-side goes, I usually have more stories than I can keep up with.

The community is still active, some of us prefer not to be limited only to SMC though :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
As Kalico said, most of us that do remain just don't hang out in the "old" areas. There are a good number of posts on the boards that indicate the number of people still out and about, though that shouldn't be the only consideration; not everyone posts here.

So... where are we?

Well, we regrouped, reformed, set standards, made new friends, and moved out to enjoy the current storylines (which aren't all about sitting around SMC, participating in bar fights, and playing Gangs of New York/ "Look at me release this plague!" within the Silvermoon city limits as if any sort of law has ceased to exist there). SMC isn't the only place for RP, and staying there an entire expac? That's SO two expacs ago. ;)

So... if you miss the active community, may I suggest you help make one? It's rather easy; a good many of us have been trying for a number of months. You'll find those posts on these boards as well.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 6/14/2011 2:37 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
It's funny how immediately, people assume that I only seek RP in Silvermoon.

Yeah, I did at one point, sadly, but the times I've found something elsewhere have been so scarce. Maybe I just need a little knowledge on where everyone went so I can join in, I suppose. I still run the Order of Absolution and would like to get it to expand, but so many people are insisting the server is just dead.

Nozz brought up amazing detail and excellent points. It is pretty common for certain people to roam around during certain times of the year given school, college or any other reason that might keep them tied outside of this game. Heck, even I had a lapse of such a thing with work recently. I was so busy working most of the time that when I would finally be home, all I could do was either sleep or try to clean the house. It really wasn't easy to find the time I desired to keep myself as active as I once was, but I am working on it once again.

I believe this server still has much hope in it. If I didn't, I would've left a while ago to seek 'greener pastures', as they say... but I love my friends here. I love the guild I have worked so hard to place and guide and I wouldn't sacrifice that.

I'll continue to look around for those who are still here. Thanks for the wonderful advice, all of you and I do look forward to finding everyone, once again. :3
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32 Human Priest
I'm still/again here, still on both factions. I am also noticing a lack of activity, both factions, but terrible on Horde side. I'm guessing we are in a temporary lull, and/or I'm no longer recognizable as a member of any active clique (you know, those groups who form to help each other hide from the unfortunate experiences that do occur involving people who are not in tune with that group's style of play). I'm sure it will pass. For now, I'm enjoying exploring some non-RP aspects of the game which I never put enough time/energy into before (and trying to get Dartol's Rod of Transformation on every alt, assuming it still exists).
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
I've been on SoE for a while, with the exception of a venture to Farstriders a while back with friends. There's RP to be found, and many talented writers and players. I think the core of the SoE community is always going to be here, and there will always be RP to be found. :)

I actually stepped into WrA and Moon Guard a while back. Different RP scene, and more variety. It's like... a big city compared to a small town, y'know?

I'd say give SoE another chance before you go anywhere else. We've got numerous active bloggers and writers, as you can see on the SoE twitter feed:!/Daphne_West/soe-roleplay, as well as Bella's post from a while back with a compilation of peoples' stuff:
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Wasn't trying to assume anything, Ebonara. I just know where you used to hang out, and the general consensus of folks on the boards has been "AMG NO ARRPEEZ IN SMC = NO ARRPEEZ!". Thus, my reply.

Either way, there are still people to be found, but most who wandered out of the SMC scene were just tired of the "Gangs of New York"-style thing that constantly went on.

(As a side note, I heard about someone trying to RP a Forsaken making open attacks on someone in Orgrimmar. I /facepalm'd. Pssst... one word: Wrathgate. Also, this is why we can't have nice things.)

As for cliques (not that this was @ you, Ebonara, but rather just a general response since it was mentioned)? This isn't jr. high school. If you see a group of folks RPing and want to join in, make the attempt. Don't have your character just stand there, saying nothing, then get upset when they don't come and chat with you. No one is any better than anyone else, and assuming you will be rejected puts the responsibility on YOU, not the members of the clique.

What it boils down to is you have to make what you want. Some people will like it, some won't. In a game of 10million+ folks, not everyone will like you, nor you them. Life goes on, and you just have to keep poking around and pushing ahead to make some Happy.

In the end, RP is just like the rest of life; what you get from it is what you put into it.

Good luck with your search and I hope you find your Happy. :)
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I'm still here. Been here (with Molly) since server open. I doubt I'll leave.

I've been on the other side of the fence, both WrA and MG. I wasn't impressed. By no means was it bad, I just didn't see what the hype was about. I RP'd on both servers about a week a piece at different intervals of the day and still didn't find it much different than SoE. The main difference? I have history and friends here.

I find it amusing when people up and transfer to another RP server because "RP is dead". The new server itself isn't going to be different. You have the same areas, the same raids, the same RP gear.. it's like walking from one room in your house to a different room in your house.* Unless you drastically change (doubtful) within that time period, the results aren't going to be different between rooms. One might be a bit cooler, one might have shinier things.

It's just well, inane that a portion of the server gets sick of the way the server is, transfers, and then within six months have the same problems as they had with the old server. Obviously, the server wasn't the issue.

In the end, you are responsible for your own enjoyment of the game. You get what you put into it.

Sure, people can be a-holes. But you get that anywhere. At least in game we have /ignore.

As far as cliques go, it seems that this subject comes up every four or so months when someone is upset that they play an introverted character or a buttface and aren't having inquire about them.* Try talking to people, too. I reiterate:

In the end, you are responsible for your own enjoyment of the game. You get what you put into it.

*Credit to Bellamuerte. She knows why.
Edited by Ellorah on 6/16/2011 2:28 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
06/16/2011 02:26 PMPosted by Ellorah
*Credit to Bellamuerte. She knows why.

Tricksy elfses.

/cast secret
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22 Blood Elf Paladin
The rp on sisters of elune is still here, just have to look for it in places you least expect it, and as many have said there are many talented bloggers/writers/etc still on the server. I think the comment about Silvermoon is made so much becuse not to long ago wasn't it the '' Big Apple'' of Rp in a way? I mean it used to be filled, but after a while the constant fighting, drama, and just oldness of it all gets to tire on someone, thus the empty Silvermoon.

I would have to ask though when you log on Ebonara, because I for one never really even see Silvermoon deserted much due to the summer, but I guess I don't sweep it as much these days as I've been enjoying the alt leveling, and such. I've seen rp in Dalaran being a constant occurance, and even the rare occasion in Org from time to time.
i've seen Alliance showing off a very healthy amoun t of rp ( The rp I saw in Dalaran most days was being done by some Alliance. ) I also don't agree with somethings said like ' when you see a group of people rping walk up and join them ' isn't it more up to the group, AKA the community to reach out that hand of welcoming, to help expand the amount of rp we all see?.. Or is that just crazy talk?

I think it's a great deal harder for someone to walk up to someone who comes off as a skilled role player, and more adored by the community, or even respected for his or her role playing/writing ability. Well atlleast harder than it would be for said role player to just pass along the whisper '' you seem all alone over there, ya looking for some role play? '' Reason being as icly some people may come off as agressive, and non-social to others, and content to stay with their own friends, when really they want nothing more then to expand, and help others become a part in the community.

To put this in a nutshell
1.) Rp on Soe is not dead, nor do I think it ever will die.
2.) I would rather have a smaller community of well rounded role players then a HUGE community of alot of bad ones.
3.) There are alot of people out there that want to role play.
4.) Don't be to shy to reach out and ask others to role play. Whats the worse they can do? Say no?
Edited by Telarian on 6/17/2011 6:38 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
As far as cliques go, it seems that this subject comes up every four or so months when someone is upset that they play an introverted character or a buttface and aren't having inquire about them.* Try talking to people, too. I reiterate:

In the end, you are responsible for your own enjoyment of the game. You get what you put into it.

This, so many times over.

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22 Dwarf Rogue
An interesting fact - I actually came here FROM Wyrmrest. There was a lot more rp in public there, especially around Cathedral square. I met some really nice people there, tried a variety of things to 'fit in', or at least meet people. I did a lot of story posting on the old WA rp community boards, even tried coming up with a serial killer plotline people could talk about or try to solve (yes, I knew who 'done it', had reasons, motives, clues ready). But I got a few 'nice story' comments, but nothing else. I couldn't seem to make any real connections, though there were/are some people on there I loved dearly. When real life started to really take up all my time, I found myself playing less and less. And posting on the boards less and less. Then Cata came and all the 'basics' changed. And the boards vanished (for the rp community, anyway). And I found myself without a lot of enthusiasm to go back there. When my life settled a bit I decided to start some characters from scratch to learn the new Cata changes. I wasn't good at talent tree choices to begin with, let alone having to learn all over again.

And so I came here. The rp community is much smaller, granted. But I really like the people here. I liked reading the regular forum boards here, something I didn't really do much when I was on WA. I was lucky enough to become part of Clockwerk and I adore the people in it. I love their ideals, and I love how they really are helpful to everyone, not just people in the guild. My life is still a minor catastrophe timewise, but I enjoy the game again. I enjoy talking to people here. I enjoy reading people's posts. And I think the rp community here has the potential to be absolutely the best. So I'm really glad and grateful to be here. :)

And I really do mean it when I say if you want to RP alliance side, drop me a line. I'll gladly try to figure a time to meet up. Or walk up if you see me in game. If your character is naturally shy, just send me a tell. We can figure something out!

PS Tyr's heading for Stormwind, so hide the menfolk! :P On second thought... bring em out instead. Much more fun!
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Over the last few months I've watched not only my friends list but guild lists dwindle as person after person hit the ol' [WA transfer button]. Perhaps 50 known RPers have left. I have mixed views on the situation. Obviously disappointment and frustration would be at the front, but I realize that some left for personal reasons. However, the few that I talked to about it only had to say, "Too much drama." or, "The RP is better over there." To the second response all I can rationalize is this:

Those 50 people that cared about RP and wanted to RP here, -could- have done something to strengthen the RP here on SoE instead of joining the "in crowd" over on WA or MG. Sure it wasn't 50 people in one day, but it -was- 50 people who could have made a difference. Instead of making a difference, the first few people caused a chain reaction that lead others to leave also. I would say those that left have made a black mark on my opinion of them, but it's not even that grand. I simply don't see them anymore so I just don't care.

I've wanted to leave a number of times during these last few months while witnessing the disappreciation for RP and just the general decline of world events, but I haven't and probably never will.

I do know that RP exists on hordeside; Thunderbluff for story night, Orgrimmar for markets and general gathering, with Silvermoon being just as it seems: a lounge for people who care more about the state of their ensemble than the state of the world. (and the undercity... you just do whatever it is that undead things do)

I did try a little RP on hordeside as a fresh character, and although it was nice, I was treated poorly on an OOC level by a higher-up person I thought would have shown some compassion, so I won't be going back.

I guess the small glimmer of hope that keeps me here on SoE is seeing Columbina the barmaid at the tavern in Old Town. She's not always there, but when she is, it gives me reason to stay. She'll stand for hours behind that counter, assumingly cleaning surfaces with a dish-rag, surfaces that have been clean since she put up the open sign. She doesn't give up hope. We shouldn't either. Business might be slow day to day, but there -are- still people who find peace in her efforts; people who still want to RP.
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85 Tauren Hunter
I'm going to be honest here. I've been on this server since its start, as good ol' Agmash, and several other characters. The RP has never been everywhere. I've tried starting it other places. I had some exciting RP in Booty Bay as well, back in the day.

However, I'd grown slightly... Bored, with this serer as of late. So I read this topic, and it makes me hopeful that I can find some again. I am just never sure where to start. I usually look for a FlagRSP, TotalRP, or MRP flag near their heads, but not everyone has that. So I usually just resort to RPing with myself somewhere in Orgrimmar, with my Loquekitty, Cyrus, until someone shows up. No one usually shows up, but I have hope. Stop by the bar, if you're in Orgrimmar. Say hello to old Pridehoof and Cyrus.
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